white day

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white day— a month after valentine's day— the day where men are to give gifts to the special lady in their lives.

in NaRi's world, it's also known as the most feared day (in her hyungies' perspectives)— since they all knew just how loved NaRi was (and by how many males)

the day'd started off as normal for the girl, waking up an hour later than the guys (since she always won the battles she put up at six in the morning, even with their manager). she woke up with a smile on her face, completely oblivious to the chaos that'd been erupting a few doors down among her members.

"this is bad."
"i never thought there'd be this many?"
"they're gonna steal her from me.."
"why didn't i get any? i mean look at me!"
"she can't see these."

spread all around the boys, small-to-large-sized ranging bouquets of flowers, baskets of different varieties of snacks and foods, her boba order— everything.

it was a nightmare in the enhypen household.

...for the boys, anyways.

"she'll be waking up soon. someone should go stall while we figure out what to do."

Ni-Ki, being NaRi's self-proclaimed soulmate, was the quickest to volunteer, sprinting off into the room before anyone could say anything to him.

he opened the door carefully, smiling a bit as he saw her phone illuminating the space around her.

"hi, jagi." he softly greeted, causing the girl to look up at the younger boy.

"hi! good morning!" she stretched her arms out, asking the boy for a hug.

he stifled a chuckle, leaning into the bed to lay with her. she layed her head onto the boy's shoulder, the phone laying on his chest.

he let out a silent breath of relief, knowing this position would last a while.

"what should we do?"
HeeSeung snapped his head up, repeatedly smacking the leader's shoulders. "i have an idea!"
"STOP SLAPPING ME what is it?"
"oh.. sorry." the elder awkwardly chuckled, "text the label groupchat! it's the only connection we have to everyone without having to use NaRi's phone."
"that's so smart! why didn't i think of that.."

the leader pulled out his phone, fingers frantically scrolling until he reached the barely-used groupchat.


엔하이픈 LEADER KICKED everyone's baby OUT OF THE CHAT.

hi.. uh.. we have an issue...

it's so important you kicked my baby
out of the group? this better be good or
you're fired, young man.

*attachment: one clip*
the video showed JungWon scanning around
their dorm's living room, where small stacks of
food boxes, drinks, and multiple bouquets were
laid out across the floor.

sorry if what i did was wrong but...

THAT'S MY BABY! look at all
those gifts <3333

*voice attachment*
all members of GFRIEND had
gathered around their leader's phone,
talking about how proud they were
of their babygirl having so many gifts.

방탄소년단 LEADER
um... what?

방탄소년단 김석진

투모로우바이투게더 LEADER

that's our girl 🥰

....what is that?

yeah... that's kinda why i texted...
what do we do?

방탄소년단 LEADER

방탄소년단 박지민
we only sent one of the big bouquets

투모로우바이투게더 최연준
i sent a cup of her boba and drinks for
the other members ...

투모로우바이투게더 LEADER
the rest of us sent you all breakfast

we sent like three boxes of things from
the bakery close to the company .. i think
that was it

we sent NaRi a small bouquet

i just dropped off the food orders and
drinks for you all .. but you answered the
door so you yk .. already knew that

well excluding stuff from you all ..
that still leaves A LOT

okay .. thank you guys! we'll try to
figure who sent everything else out

the boys sat around the living room, already having seperated the gifts from BIGHIT LABELS artists— stress running through their minds as they attempted to figure out who'd sent the rest.

"hey hyung- what's all this?"
the boys jerked back at the sound of NaRi's voice, their eyes going wide. Ni-Ki ran out straight afterwards, "i tried to stop her... she's too fast."

HeeSeung awkwardly laughed, "uh.. happy white day?"
her eyes went wide, "who sent all of this?"
"well... the ones towards the kitchen are ones from the label's groups.. the rest, we've been trying to figure out."
she rolled her eyes, a small chuckle falling from her lips. "you should've told me earlier."

she walked to the pile of gifts still there, mostly flowers. she picked up the first one, a bouquet of powder pink and white alternating roses. she looked around for a small note, eyes lighting up when she found it. "oh! this is from HaRu-hyung!" she exclaimed, the boys (mainly Ni-Ki) looking away in jealously in a discrete manner.

she looked up, catching the maknae's eyes burring holes into the flowers. "you don't have to be jealous, you know?"
her eyes scanned the others, catching sight of their expressions, "oh, come on! you're all mad?"
she scoffed, rolling her eyes once more, "you guys are so ridiculous."

and that's how it went for the rest of the day— the boys mad because of the multitude of gifts NaRi'd received from her idol friends... and NaRi yelling at them in either Spanish or Mandarin.

"you're never allowed to receive gifts from anyone ever again."
"sorry nana."
"can't help you here, baby."
"sorry, baby."
"sorry, mire."
"no, nanie."
"i'm not even in your group-"

🦇 ... !

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now