fifty five

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"you knock me off my feet,
my lonely days are gone."

"Guess it's just us two?" Minseo smiled as she closed the trunk of the red mini van

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"Guess it's just us two?" Minseo smiled as she closed the trunk of the red mini van. Donghyuck leaned against it, returning the kind expression. "I guess. Seorin and Jisung are riding with their parents and the others can't stand listening to my CDs." he chuckled as the two of them entered the car. He adjusted his mirrors, brushing his hair out of his eyes before turning on the engine. "So long as I get to choose to music, I think we'll be set." she joked, picking out a disc and inserting it. Minseo buckled herself in and watched the other cars pull out of the lot. She glanced out of the windshield, taking in her last moments of the unexpected trip.

Till the next crazy adventure, Hwansang. She thought to herself. The speakers filled the car and the pleasant silence held between them. They pulled out of the nature filled area that only went on for a while and were greeted by the open highway. A small yawn left her lips as the skies were still darkened before dawn. In the countryside, the stars could still be seen right before the sun had ended its slumber. Hyuck hummed along to the tune of the track, tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel that he kept straight on the empty roads.

"I love this song." she mumbled with her eyes closed, seat reclined comfortably. In contrast to the serene setting, the car was filled with upbeat party tunes. "You do? Gosh, finally someone around here has some sense." Hyuck grinned, turning up the volume. "Jisung refused to let me play anything by him." he added, making her eyebrow raise in curiosity. To her, it was still a bit odd hearing Jisung's name after the night prior to the car ride. She saw him in a completely different light, not that it was awful or anything.

"Why's that? You could never go wrong with classics." she pondered. Donghyuck held back his laughter, which caused her to open her eyes. "He's scared of Michael Jackson." he finally giggled. Minseo joined in on his obnoxious laughing fit, the bass booming beneath their toes. "What? Why?" she said between her breaths, face turning redder by the moment.

"I couldn't tell you. The kid's scared of everything! Heights, loud noises, old people..." he trailed off, deja vu hitting him all of a sudden. Minseo turned to face him, furrowing her eyebrows in humorous disbelief. "Old people?" she laughed. Hyuck nodded with a goofy grin, glancing over at her briefly. "Long story short, we had a sleepover at Chenle's one night and he swore that he saw a ghost and then ran back to his own house. Turns out, it was just his grandma cutting fruit in the kitchen."

Once more, Minseo laughed. "You all seem to have known each other for a while." she commented. His laughter died down, settling into a reminiscent grin. "Yeah, I guess so. I've known the girls my entire life, but we just became friends this year. The boys on the other hand- I think I'm around them too much. I've been stuck with Jeno and Renjun since we were in diapers, then we got close to Jisung and Jaemin in middle school." he playfully rolled his eyes, especially after the weekend getaway. Minseo's face also relaxed into a smile, nodding quietly.

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