fifty four

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The four figures stood in the dimly lit study on each side of the desk

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The four figures stood in the dimly lit study on each side of the desk. Jisung took a seat in the leather office chair, holding back the urge to set the documents aflame. Jihyeon was pale and it wasn't from standing outside in freezing weather. The weight in her chest grew heavy while she bit back tears, though she knew this moment would come. On the other hand, Miyeon and Minseo were absolutely clueless. They eyed each other from across the wooden table, then at the mother and son who had never been tense with each other.

It seemed like the silence hung over their heads for eternities before Jisung finally cleared his throat, scratchy from his mini mental breakdown prior. He slid over the folder to his mother, but Jihyeon didn't dare to touch it. "So when were you gonna tell me? Or were you just going to keep it from me forever?" he spoke lowly. Despite the lack of emotion his tone held, it felt like knives slicing through her heart and every artery. Finally, she looked into her son's eyes that held nothing but anger— and that's how she knew she finally failed at one task as a mother.

"Sung, I didn't think I'd have to." she almost whispered. Jisung balled his fists, resisting the urge to spark a flame. "What do you mean? You knew she existed. You knew there was a chance of us meeting, so why hide it?" his lips etched downwards, unable to control the frown that was clawing at his mouth. Jisung wasn't just infuriated, he was betrayed. It didn't help that the one who stabbed him in the back was the one he cared for the most. He shook his head, facing up at Miyeon now.

"Miyeon. What's your mother's name?" he asked. The blonde was taken aback by the sudden question, furrowing her eyebrows in the gaze of the heated boy. "Jung Chanmi. Why?" her chin tilted, and before she could ask any questions, it seemed like Jisung grew even more angry. Then, he looked at Minseo. She was a deer in the headlights, taken aback by that crimson shade that was growing deeper in his irises. It was nothing she had ever seen before, not even with her own eyes- but that was the least of her worries right now. "What's your father's name?" he asked her.

Gulping back the dryness in her throat, she almost hesitated before answering. At this point, she was questioning everything about her identity. "C-Chanwoo. Choi Chanwoo." she managed to say. It wasn't until then that confusion sparked in Jisung— but not in his mother. "Choi Chanwoo?" Jihyeon interrupted their thoughts, staring at Minseo with wonder now. Slowly, Minseo nodded her head yes. The older woman's lips pressed into a thin smile at the confirmation she needed all along.

"Mom, I'm so confused." Jisung sighed, his thoughts reaching a dead end. Before Jihyeon could get any other words out of her mouth, she pulled the girl into her arms, startling her at the sudden contact. Almost instinctively, Minseo wrapped her arms around her too. Though, much like earlier with Miyeon, the hug wasn't awkward. Instead, she felt like she was melting into the sweet scent of her perfume and the pitch black locks that resembled hers. Just for a moment, something made sense. As they pulled away, Jihyeon's thumbs rubbed against the fabric of her arms, eyes glimmering with adoration. Minseo smiled back, even if she didn't know why she was smiling.

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