Second Chance

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Jungkook was stunned and Dan suddenly jump off his bed and runs towards him to hug his legs. He didn't know what to say and feels like his body suddenly become paralysed at the moment and he even dont know that he was holding his breath until he heard that word again that rings like a music to his ear.


Jungkook hearts burst in a sudden happiness, it feels like it wants to jump off from his chest. He knelt down and hug Dan so tight and he didn't care about those tears that roll down to his cheeks.

"I--" Jungkook doesn't know what to say. But the truth is there are so much in his mind right now but he cant form a word and say all of it. He let his emotions to speak about it all.

"Daddy, i cant bweath." Dan suddenly said and Jungkook pulled away a bit.

"I-im sorry baby. Im really sorry." Jungkook all can say, looking at his son face.

"Daddy why ay you crwying?" Dan asked Jungkook when he saw tears from him. Jungkook suddenly chuckles and brings up his hand to wipe his tears. He carry Dan and sit him to his lap while he sits at the empty couch at the corner of the bed.

"Daddy miss you so much baby. I miss you so much, so so much, baby." Jungkook said, peppering a kiss at Dans face while the innocent boy giggled.

"When you come,daddy? Momma said you are away and busy thats why you are not with us." Dan innocently said that made Jungkook feel so much guilt in his heart. He never knew that Taehyung would tell that to his son despite what he has done to him.

"You know daddy, papa show me your picture yesterday when i told him i want to see you." Dan added and Jungkook was so thankful for Baekhyun for what he had done. Earlier, he was surprised on how did Dan knows about him and now its clear as the sun that its all because of Baekhyun and he made a mental note to thank him later on.
"Daddy will you leave us again and work far away?"

Jungkook was stunned, now he realised that he really need to talk and settle everything to Taehyung. He doesn't want to leave them again.

Jungkook turn Dan around so they were facing each other, he look at his son fondly and he smile seeing how innocent his son is.

"Daddy promise that he wont ever leave and work far again baby. I will stay with you for the rest of my life, is that okay with you baby?" Jungkook said softly, his eyes shining in happiness when Dan nods his head.
Both are engage in talking that Jungkook forgot about their breakfast.

Taehyung's Pov:

Jungkook didn't wait for me to say something, he just walk or like run towards my son's room. I was frozen for a moment until i heard Baekhyun fake a cough.

"W-what did just happen?" I asked.

"Im sorry Tae for interfering, i just wanted to help both of you, for Dan's sake. Im really sorry."  Sehun apologised. "Im not earsdropping but i just accidentally heard what both of you are talking earlier and decided to call Jungkook. You might think that he didn't feel anything towards you but i know Tae, i knew how he felt those times he realised his feelings towards you. And i knew you don't believe us because of his engagement to Seulgi, but did you ever think why until to this day he didn't marry her?" Sehun said and thats made me realised why on earth they still didn't get married. I frown on that but there's a part in my heart that wants to jump in happiness knowing that Jungkook never intend to marry Seulgi.


My eyes averted to Baekhyun who was now standing beside me, hugging me sideways and i knew from this that he wants to tell me something. Everytime Baekhyun did this kind of gesture, it always makes me feel nervous.

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