🛏studio sleep over 2 🛏

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Noahs pov

Piper bolts and jiley follow, i look at the team and I see Finn shell shocked. We all keep watching each other and Emily is rooted to her spot too. After a bit I get a text and look at it thinking it's James but it's actually Alfie. He tells me piper told him all and that I need to help so I go to find piper.

Amy's pov

I kiss Finn and piper bolts. Thing is I like Finn and so I'm kinda in Mixed emotions about this. After a bit Noah gets a text and leaves too. We all are in shock and I look at Henry who is with Kingston and Ozzy and I feel emotional connection with him as well as Finn. I'm so confused right now.

Nobodies pov

After a few hours jiley piper and Noah  return and the party watch a film. They then argue over and order pizza then they go get into the Pjs. Piper and Amy stay far from each other and Finn is hidden and everyone else lie together dotted around the floor. Just are at a distance near one set of doors curled together. As everyone starts dropping off to sleep Riley decides to give James alfies number and he starts texting to royal. Riley drops off to sleep and James is left the only awake and he watches his sister and partner sleeping then finally drops off to sleep himself.

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