🤓putting a face to the name🤓

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Rileys pov

So today I'm going to help Emily out at the Studio. I'm doing this so I can scope out Finn. I spent a few minutes throwing up again then ate food. James is out seeing the boys from that band he was in that time. I have a shower brush my teeth do my hair and make-up then get dressed. I steal james' clothes.

 I steal james' clothes

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I wear his polo top and some joggers

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I wear his polo top and some joggers.

I head to the studio where Emily is in the office waiting for me. I walk in the doors and see piper dancing a solo. God she is amazing

I watch her for a bit and smile then I go into the office.
I sit and do what Emily needs me to. HalfwAy through a form I feel sick so I dash to the bathroom and vomit. As I'm throwing up I hear the A trouper I believe piper said was called Kenzie. She asks if I'm ok and I ask her to go get Emily which she does. I continue throwing up.

Pipers pov

I'm in studio A doing random solos and I'm doing one I choreographed last night

Im Just cleaning it and Kenzie runs in and grabs Emily telling her to rush to the bathroom as Riley is vomiting.  I fall to the floor stressed when I hear that but get back up and continue. Emily runs calling to Riley and I see out the corner of my eye Kenzie sit and watch me. I hit my end pose and Kenzie applauds. She walks over and passes me my water. I thank her and she smiles. We sit on the bench.

So piper hows life

You know it goes

Yep it sure does



That's gra-

I'm interrupted by 2 texts, one from Finn and one from Alfie .

Alfies was just seeing if I wanted to talk that night so I quickly replied it depends on if James is home or not coz jiley then I open Finns.

Finns message is asking if I wanna do a duet and that he really wants to get to know me. I blush and Kenzie sees.

Ooh pipers blushing

What no...no I'm not

Look  in the mirrors

Fine yeah I'm blushing

Omd Finn made you blush..... oooh piper do you  like Finn

I mean I guess he's kinda cute


I guess

Riley then comes back so I sprint over and pass her my water. I notice she's in james' stuff making it oversized on her and I remember mum saying how when she was pregnant with me she had to wear oversized stuff.

Rileys pov

I walk back in with Emily and am meeted by piper with water. I greatfully accept the water and smile weakly. I sit on the bench beside the supposed Kenzie girl and Em thanks her and I'm right about her being called Kenzie. Piper sits on the ground by us and Em sits beside me. I sip the water slowly until the other a troupers walk in. A boy walks in with Amy and bounds straight over to Piper and she calls him Finn.. ..ah so this is the boy. I smile at Finn and our eyes  meet and I get this strange belonging feeling with him.... the same way I feel to James and my little brother Matty..... I shake my head confused then join Michelle who has now arrived and Emily back in the office and slowly help with the paperwork

Ok so I'm now back at dance and am officially going to university so this means my updates are gonna be slower as I have less time. It takes like a hour to get to my dance studio normally but the buses that I have to get on a Friday are at less capacity coz covid-19 so my journey can be longer. Being at university for the very first time might tire me out to a point I'm falling asleep so I would love it if you my fellow wattpad users could bare that in mind and keep hanging around until I update

If you want more chapters of another pinn book  (and haven't checked it already) go read my Australian mates 'this changes everything' their account is @disneylover

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