📒planning 📒

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Emily's pov

So I'm planning a Christmas party for the studio since it will be the mark of the studios 30th year in business and I can't wait. It's gotta be big. I remember reading about the first ever production the studio put on was The Nutcracker and I decide we should recreate it 30 years later. I start to search for choreographers for it and I find Eldon so I message him. As I'm texting him yes I text not email like his website asked anyway as I am texting I get a text from James and so after clicking send to Eldon I open the text.

My name for James on contacts is Future bro❤

Future bro❤: hey Em can we talk like face to face

Me: sure Jae

Future bro❤: only riles an call me Jae

Me: fine

Future bro❤: so can we meet?

Me: I'm at the Studio planning for the Christmas show/party

Future bro❤: I'll meet you there

Me: ok see you soon

Future bro❤: yep ly

Me: ly2

Yes me and James say love you. H es promised to my sister making us family.

I look round the office and see a pile of costumes I'm meaning to put away but can't reach the shelf.
I suddenly  get a flashback to when I was on A troupe and prepping for nationals.

I instantly decide i'm gonna get James to put the costumes away. I laze around and wait for him to come.

After 5 minutes James arrives and so i instantly get him to do the costumes. he gets the exact same flashback as me.

I notice he is in a suit

This means he is doing it

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This means he is doing it...... basically after dad died in a car crash I took charge and so if James wants permission to marry Riley he needs to ask me. I know hes been thinking about it. 

So I wanted to ask you-



Finally.....ive been waiting

Wait really


Well I guess I need to get the ring asap


James then shows me a photo of the ring he is thinking about and I gotta say it's perfect.

James then shows me a photo of the ring he is thinking about and I gotta say it's perfect

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He tells me the price is $873 and I whistle lowly. He then said a he knows it's a lot but Riley is worth more than anything to him and I gotta admit that this tears me up slightly. I look at a photo I have on my desk which is of Riley and my boyfriend Bobby G

 I look at a photo I have on my desk which is of Riley and my boyfriend Bobby G

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This causes me to smile and I hug James. I tell him if he helps me plan this event I'll pay him some of the Payment for the ring and that springs him into action

So Bobby G is obviously mentioned in season 2 then never again so I want to see him. I decided he would be Emily's secret boyfriend. He is pictured as Britts (who plays Riley) real life boyfriend Benjamin Dunlop.

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