can I join?

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Pipers pov

So I'm at rehearsal and this teenage boy walks in he's cute he's really really cute. He walks into the office and I faintly hear him talking to Emily.  After a few minutes him and Emily walk out and Em tells us he's gonna join the troupe. I decide there and then I'm not gonna let myself fall any further  because I will just be hurt again. I know James and Riley found love in the Studio and all but I'm not my brother. The boy introduces himself as Finn Mackie and I see Amy smirk. I have to admit we looked at each other and he smiled as if he knew me....not Gonna lie it's a little  creepy.  Noah and Richelle take charge and walk over and ask if we can see him do a solo since we are prepping for a competition.

Finn does a hip-hop solo and I do admit it sorta reminds me of James meaning I do smile

The team all agree with Emily that he is a good fit.

We get to work teaching him the routines and after a few hours we have a break. Finn walks over to me and sits beside me.

So as you know I'm Finn.. ...whats your names

Amy  introduces herself first then the attention is diverted into me

I'm uhhh piper ....

Cute name ..... Like 11 pipers piping in that Christmas song..... my parents especially my mum love that at Christmas.

Same as my brother and his girlfriend....

I could have sworn I saw him get a glow in his eyes when I said that which he shook off

It is a good song

Yeah it is

So what's Emily like?

She's sweet when your on the right side of her.....or your brothers dating her sister so ya know

Interesting but doesn't it get awkward to basically be in your family studio.

Yeah it is a bit but I love it.

Truth is I hate my life, since getting rejected by Josh I've wanted out

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