🏠so your moving (part 2)🏠

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Rileys pov

Piper asks me into her room for sister time and so I go into her room and we begin to talk starting off with the fact I'm  pregnant and moving. We talk for about a hour and a half then James asks if he can quickly steal me to ask me a question about the baby so piper nods and I go.

James asks me which room the baby would be in as he realised that the master bedroom wouldn't be near the biggest room for the nursery. I answer his questions and go back to piper.

I sit on pipers bed and cross my legs. Truth be told I do have a small bump that I now realised I have because I know I'm pregnant. I rest my hands on the bump and piper smiles and  I tell her to place a hand on my bump too and as she does I spot some scars on her arm. I pretend not to notice them and I smile at her smiling at my bump. She tells me that she can't believe she's gonna be a aunt and I smile more. She gets a text from Finn and as before I get a feeling that I know him. I go on my phone and try to find Finn online and can't. I'm confused at this but I decide not to worry coz you know Don't even worry about it.

Piper replies and puts her phone down. We chat baby names then Deborah calls us for dinner so I go and sit with James because I actually have a seat there from how often I end up being round. We eat but I only have a little bit coz the sickness. I lean on James  while everyone else eats. After eating me and piper go back to her room and James asks her to come help him with something quickly so she goes.

I accidentally knock over a jar she has in her room and find a razor blade in there. I notice there is a small red patch on it but I act like I haven't seen it and put the jar back.

Piper comes in and I watch her carefully while chatting to her. She definitely reminds me of how I used to be.

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