🚘The crash 🚘

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I chose to do a time skip now as it will be easier for the book to move along it is also gonna go back to the future in the chapter as it's one of the last chapters. Also warning there is a small car crash that happened so If stuff like that triggers you please read with caution. I'll add it in brackets when it starts and ends so you can skip if wanted.

Pipers POV
——3 months later——

I am feeling better now and like I used to before the whole Josh drama and I wanna thank Finn for that so I'm taking him to a restaurant. Recently Riley and James moved into their house and so I'm the only one left at home. I think I'm going to ask Finn over after well I'm gonna call it a date. Right now we are Halfway through rehearsals and I'm leant on Finn as he tells us stories of his parents at internationals. Over the last months I for sure had hell but Finn had been there for me throughout thick and thin. We continue with rehearsal until Emily gets a call and tells us rehearsals are done and she shoots me a look meaning it's Riley, I nod and we all go change then me and Finn walk out to the restaurant.

——few hours later—— (trigger start)

We had a great meal and now Finn's gonna drive me home. As we drive we sing and then suddenly I see this car come towards us, we're going to crash, Finn is driving straight to the other car.... I scream as the impact happens and as I shut my eyes in pure fright I see Finn strangely tap his watch. This it it my life's over, the thing I wanted a few months ago that Finn got me away from has now happened because of Finn.






I hold my breath as I feel the car hit the floor, wait what hit the floor

(Trigger end)

Hold on wait we hit the floor, I felt it, wait I'm alive, IM ALIVE , Finn saved me ....I look to my side and see Finn smiling. Omg we're both alive. I look the other side and I see the building TNS was in but TNS isn't there it's called Kick It Up studios. Finn smiles and pulls up the car then gets out. I follow him out and he goes into the studio. The halls and walls and trophies are the same as TNS leaving me more confused than before. I am Finns shadow as he goes into the rehearsal, I am shocked that he did that. The studio head as I think they are looks at us and gasps. Wait that's Emily and the choreographer is.....MICHELLE wait  am I in some kind of parallel world? 

Emily runs over and hugs Finn and I am shocked by what I hear.

' hey aunt Emily, look I succeeded mum and dads wish'

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