🤔wait no it can't be.....🤔

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Finns pov

So I go into the studio and see piper so I bound straight over to her. As I arrive at her I see this lady and I catch her eye.....its mum.....wait No that's mum, we spend a bit of time just with eye connection then she said s she should go see help her sister and goes into the office and is fussed over by Emily. .... yep that's my aunt Emily, she once said when mum was pregnant with Frankie she fussed over mum....WAIT SHE FUSSED OVER MUM  WHEN SHE WAS PREGNANT WITH FRANKIE.

I hear piper telling Amy she's worried coz Rileys still sick and Amy repling that is pretty worrying then I fall out my trance.

Pipesqueak ....


oh ok sorry, piper....have you thought she could be pregnant.....

I think Emily is gonna talk about that idea to her, especially as it's been almost a month she's been sick, anyway what was that staring thing you had with her?

Oh ummm......i reconigsed her I thought and she must have had the same thing

Fairs.... So this duet

We spiral into talking about the duet and come up with the theme of a sculpture and the sculptor having a bit of a love story and piper tells me James and Riley did a similar plot for their nationals duet, which of course I pretended to be really interested in even  though I knew all about it deep down coz mum and dad love reminiscing their old duets. We decide to use Whirlwind which is mum and dad's duets song too.

We start chorographing and telling each other facts about ourselves, mine being lies obviously. I can't help but admire pipers hair and wonder what it would be like down, mum loves her hair down and so does Frankie as much as aunt Grace and Aunt Carah. Aunt Emily wears hers half up half down in my place aka the future. I hear Emily calling mine and pipers names and snap out my thoughts. She tells us she wants us to show our duet to Riley after rehearsal in hopes  it will make her feel better so we agree.

Emily then tells us as a team exactly who Riley is and Jacquie and Davis have a slight Fangirl moment over the fact they are in thr presence of a old International duet winner, Emily then tells us that pipers in a way related to Riley because Rileys dating her brother and Davis and Jacquie freak again. Piper laughs at them then Emily tells us about her ideas for a Christmas show and we all get excited about that.

At the end of rehearsals everyone go and me and piper perform our duet for Riley and she tears up in joy and gets us to do it again while she facetimes it to James.

Riley and piper hug and then Riley hugs me.

Yes this is my mum I feel so safe in her arms and I know this feeling from when I was a baby and this isn't even from the year of my birth.

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