💘I love him💘

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Pipers pov

I meet up with Riley as rehearsals start late today and we go shopping. As we are shopping she tells me she wants to get a new dress that's tighter than the type she usually wears so she can change things up for James. I tell her that sounds great so we go into several shops then eventually we find the best dress and she buys it.
It's this amazing low cut black mini dress and she looks so perfect in it and I just know James will die when he sees her in it.

It's this amazing low cut black mini dress and she looks so perfect in it and I just know James will die when he sees her in it

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We go to the food court and buy salads. Riley tells me she's been sick recently so she only gets a kids salad. I also get a kids salad because I have dance in a bit.

Rileys salad had macaroni, olives, broccoli and carrots

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Rileys salad had macaroni, olives, broccoli and carrots. She's never are olives before so it's a bit random she suddenly does.

I had golden kiwi, sweet peas  and some kind of pasta salad and Mandarin slices

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I had golden kiwi, sweet peas and some kind of pasta salad and Mandarin slices.

After eating we go to a specialist dance wear store and I buy some long sleeve leotards. Hopefully this will stop Finn questioning me again

 Hopefully this will stop Finn questioning me again

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I also buy black leggings for the same hopes

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I also buy black leggings for the same hopes

 I buy one cat suit leotard too just for safetys sake

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I buy one cat suit leotard too just for safetys sake

AAs I buy all this stuff Riley tells me about how much she loves James and keeps telling me she wants to marry him

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AAs I buy all this stuff Riley tells me about how much she loves James and keeps telling me she wants to marry him. Obviously I know James is planning on proposing but I stay silent about this. She starts telling me a story about when her and James where going to regionals and their costumes went to another studio in on another country and they had to raid the costume closest (a/n sorry Disneylover5873 I couldn't help stealing the idea from 'this changes everything' once again all my readers I urge you to read it 💞) then that leads her to a story that surprises me. Turns out the first year Riley was in A troupe she used to self harm too and actually ended up in hospital in rehabilitation from it. She stopped for a bit then as she was beginning to restart she got together with James and he aided her to stop. I have to admit I'm surprised James was the one to aid her to stop because he was quite immature back when they originally got together. I tell Riley this and she agrees that he was immature but just like he helped her she made him more mature. I have to admit the stories she comes out with about James leads me to think of Finn.

Riley tells me that she loves James and that gets me thinking.....do I love Finn?

I need to talk to more sisters

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