❤️we have the best family ever❤️

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Rileys POV

I take a pregnancy test and it returns positive so me and James get so excited as we are kissing in celebration my phone rings, I pull away to see it's Michelle so I answer it, she tells me to come to KIU now and then hangs up. I tell James this and we neaten our hair and go to the studio. We walk in and I freeze when I see this perm, once I gave Finn a perm for Carah's wedding, as James calls out to me, as baby girl, the perm turns and I am met by a familiar face which smiles and steps aside and I see a face I didnt think I'd ever see again. Piper is stood next to my little boy Finn.... he did it OMG ME AND JAMES CHANGED THE PATH OF LIFE AND SAVED PIPER BY SENDING OUR SON BACK IN TIME. I run over and hug Finn.

Finns POV

Mum runs over and hugs me tears of joy flowing down her face, she then goes to hug pi- aunt piper but she stops herself


Riley? Wait what

Yeah, dewai, there's a logical explanation.....well it sounds weird I guess

Ummmm am I in a parallel world?

No sis your in the real world, well for you from what you last knew this is the future, may I say you aged so well.

Oh ummm

Aunt looks in the mirror, mums right aunt has aged and well.

Come home with me Jae and Finn and we will explain all dewai

Dad walks over crying and aunt runs into his arms crying too, mum hugs me again and then places a hand on her stomach. She winks at me and I know she means I'm getting the sibling I've always wanted.

Aunt Emily calls rehearsal to a close just like the past version of her did a few hours , well a few hours and 25 years, ago and she along with me mum dad and aunt piper go home.

Mum explains everything to aunt piper and then aunt piper is shocked. Frankie comes in with of course a tea and the introductions all start again and Frankie drops her tea in shock. Mum calls someone and after 30 minutes a woman comes wait the woman is called Amy, wait that's the Amy who kissed me in the past.

(Future) Amy's POV

Omg he did it, he saved my best friend. I tell Riley that I was with Henry, who is my fiancée, Alfie and his fiancée so they are in the car, Riley goes to bring them in and Henry and Alfie hug piper upon sight. Piper is shocked me and Henry worked out then I remember she would have ya know before we got together, obviously before Finn saved her. I hug Finn tight, after all he is like my nephew as James always treated me like a sister even after piper well yeah.

Pipers POV
Frankie is the baby. Perfect

Nobodies POV
Riley announces to everyone that she is pregnant again and everyone smiles and celebrates. Once again jiley kiss but this time and pregnancy piper is there.

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