👻memories (set in future) 👻

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James' pov

So me and Riley are lying in bed watching old home videos. We are in duet ones and we come across our first ever duet and know we just have to watch it

I forgot it was recorded.

We keep watching more and more then we find flying.

Fun fact: we surprised everyone by performing flying at our wedding.

We watch some other random videos including Finns birth which caused Riley to cry.

We end up watching all Finns old dance videos and come across this one of me and him doing a duet.

We performed it as a surprise for Riley. It was to moving by yep you guessed it Brighter Brightest

Let's just say Riley broke in tears of joy when she saw it. We did some hip hop technique pieces and some flips along with faster contempory. I even flipped Finn which did cause Riley to scream slightly.

Even now Riley screams at it even though we have watched it so many times. Frankie filmed the original and ironically as Riley screams watching it  Frankie runs in and hugs Riley. I hug both girls and we continue watching our home films.

We break for food then continue. This is making me miss my son more than ever but I have to stay strong for my girls. I love them.

On the spur of the moment I decide when Finn returns me and Riley are gonna renew our vowels.

A/n: we really do need a Finn James duet if we have a season 8 it would be iconic. So this was a filler to calm from the end heaviness of the previous chapter.

So soon I should be starting university so my updates may decrease

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