👫🏻Sibling talk👫🏻

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Pipers POV

I start crying and James runs in and hugs me, I try hide the broken jar but I know he knows about it. I hug James tighter and refuse to let go. Riley walks in and joins the hug. We all hug and then mum comes and tells us breakfast is ready so we go eat.

After eating I get dressed for rehearsal while texting Finn. I walk to the door and am joined by Jiley and James tells me that they are going to see Em and he's gonna help and Riley is going coz she doesn't really want to be alone. I smile weakly and nod then James drives us all to the studio.

We get to the studio and I instantly go to the ballet barre while Jiley go into the office. I watch them hug and smile then I start warming up.  As I'm warming up Finn walks in and hugs me. I smile warmly at the hug and it does calm me.

Me and Finn start doing lifts and Jiley and Emily walk out and watch them and Jiley correct us slightly and we get the lifts clean. Emily tells us that we are going to have a lift section in the choreo.

A troupe walk in and we start rehearsal with James leading since Emily is going to spend time with Michelle and Riley doing the paperwork.

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