my stomach

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Trigger warning: chapter includes self harm read at your own risk

Pipers pov

So I go home and I'm alone, James is out, mum's at work and my other sisters live away anyway. Dad is a soldier and is away. I have a shower after dance and wrap myself in a towel. I go back to my room and stare at myself in my full length mirror. I feel so grossed out at myself. I slip into james' ensuite bathroom and grab the razor Riley leaves here and slip back to my room. I put the razor to my wrist and drag it across my arm. I switch to my other arm and repeat. Blood falls from both arms. I slip it to my legs and repeat my arms on each leg. I then take it to my stomach and drag it. I swaddle myself in my towel and go wash Rileys razor and put it back. I get dressed and throw my towel in the wash with the washing machine. I throw it on the wash and fix it. I settle onto my bed and watch netflix on my I pad. I keep wincing because I knock my cuts.

After a few hours James comes back and bounds into my room and he's smiling so much.

Woah someone's happy

I found what could be the perfect ring to propose with

That's great James

You don't seem very thrilled

You know just relationships and me .....josh

I know sis but your find the perfect one for you and when you do you will know straight away....

How do you know

Because your my sister

James convinces me to go with him to see the ring and he recalls censored  his holiday with Riley and I have gotta admit it's cute.

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