🤐selective mute 🤐

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Finns pov

So I am at the house I rent out and I suddenly remember that while we were packing mum told me Aunt Emily has told her and dad that Aunt Piper went selective mute when her major spiral started. I know from then I need to keep a eye on that. I cook a simple meal mum taught me and do some of the home school stuff I swipped at the studio, turns out subjects were made harder in the future so this stuff was a breeze. I finished it in record time. I definanly take after mum in math.

I eat and the rest up by watching t.v. I see The new style (a/n I will always have this version it seems) and I watch it and realise they are only on season 6, back home we somehow and who knows how are on season 26. Mum introduced me to the show and it's highly addictive. I've watched all 26 seasons most more than 10 times. I discover season 6 is only just airing so I'm kinda at a advantage.

I finish watching and have a shower then go to bed.

*the next day still Finns pov*

I wake up eat dress and head to the studio. On my way I meet Amy. I think any had a crush on me and she's sweet and all but I have a job here.

Hey Finn

Hi Amy

How are you

Good you

Honesty a bit worried about piper....shes being mute lots

Oh gosh has she been like that before


Oh gosh

Bother it's the spiral mum told me about

You seem distracted Finn....can I help

I look at Amy and she's twiddling her hair in the way I've seen mum doing when she's trying to bribe dad to do something

Nah don't eve....don't worry about it

Bother almost cracked again.

Oh ok

By now we reached the studio and so we go our separate ways to change.

After changing I race to Studio A and see piper doing this really emotional solo to a song mum liked. The song is called Parrell World.

(A/n: Imagine its not about Finn but her mental health and she's in the catsuit leotard I mentioned in a previous chapter)

I stand hidden round the door and watch. She is a amazing dancer and doesn't deserve what she feels like. In fact she should be touring as a soloist.

I wait for a few moments after she finishes and puts her hair back up then I go in and she jumps at the sound of my footsteps.

Hi piper


Phew she spoke

You ok?

Yeah I'm fine

Amy walks in and piper goes quiet again

As everyone else enters she has varing reactions and levels of speech.

Rehearsals go by and she only talks to 3 people, me, Emily and Noah.

Since it's just us she's talking to Emily gets us to go choreograph a trio

(A/n: substitute sloane for Finn and have piper in the cat suit and plain bun)

At the end of rehearsal we show the routine and Emily tells me and piper to stay behind and talk. Piper goes in first claiming she had to go home for a family thing, Emily knows this is a lie coz mum would have been there too. Emily of course doesn't know mum is her sister Riley.

Emily and Piper talk then piper goes to change and I go talk to Emily.

Talking to Emily reminds me of my childhood when mum and dad had date nights with their friends Beth and Ella who are married.

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