dance love

183 6 0

Finns pov

So I come into the studio early and just walk around and look round at all the trophies and pictures and I see some I recognise from home as in future home and I look at it and smile. I hear footsteps and turn around to meet eyes with Emily.

Hi Emily

Hi Finn

How are you then

I'm good....though I feel like I know you some how....who are your parents?

Oh umm Jamie and Radley Mackie

My mum's maiden name is Mackie

Imagine if we were related

Wow oh God.... I mean In a way I'm pipers sister and her brother are promised

Aww cute

So why do you dance?

I dance because my parents were dancers and they met dancing, they wanted to keep dance in the family and my older sister isn't a dancer so I took it over and am now the dancer. Another reason I dance is because I saw my parents dance and I just fell in love and wanted to dance.....i still love that feeling of dancing and being free

That is one of the best answers I've heard in a while and it's cute you dance for your parents.... did they have a legacy?

Yeah they went to internationals but sadly were beat out at the last round which technically was a extra tie break round. In fact they were beat out by this studios pairing.

Oh my gosh that pairing was my sister and her partner. Now that is interesting.. your parents are Swedish?

Ummmm..... yeah

That's amazing that they want you to join their rival studio who beat them out.

Yeah it is. But aye this is one of the best studios right

I like you

I like you too

That's good.... thanks not many people do when they first meet me

Awww don't even worry about it

Before Emily has a chance to say anything about my slip up the team comes in and rehearsals begin.

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