💭thinking of help💭

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James' POV
Riley runs into my room after piper falls asleep and she looks shell-shocked. I ask her what's wrong and she lifts her top to show me her bump and I worry it's the baby but then she points at the scar she has on it and looks at the door. I realise she's talking about piper and the scar. I launch off my bed and over to Riley as she starts miming cutting her arm. I grab her hands remembering all the therapy I took her to about it when she did it to herself in the past and knowing she's not actually allowed to demonstrate it incase it makes her want to do it again. She falls into my arms as I tell her she's ok and I will talk to piper. I'm trying not to stress her out coz she's pregnant but honestly I don't know what to say to piper. I get a text from Colette Riley's mum asking me if she's at mine so I say yes then we get into a conversation about her being pregnant and what it could potentially do to her mental health and this leads me to asking about the therapist details so I can have them incase piper needs them. I don't tell Colette it's about piper but just Incase we do need them for Riley and I would have like them as the babies father. Colette sends them to me and I note them down. I notice Riley is looking at the photo wall I have of us and then she walks over to her bag and gets out a ultrasound and places it in the middle of the heart I drew. I smile at this and then wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her head. She leans back against me and sighs, I look in the mirror and see fright in her eyes so I spin her round and just kiss her. She kisses me back and relaxes.

We talk all night about baby names and then Riley rushes and throws up so I follow and help.
After Riley lies back on my bed I hear piper cry and go to her

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