👀hold up👀

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Pipers pov

I'm scrolling through my Instagram and I come across Beth's account, yes I have Beth on Instagram, anyway I find her account and I find that she's in a relationship. She's not dating Charlie or Stephanie, it's a massive shock it's Ella.....ELLA As in British Ella, the one who stole Rileys solo. I'm so shocked that I throw my phone. James runs in half way through changing, he's been helping Emily at the Studio and she pushed him hard as the more he did the closer his step is to being able to afford the ring to propose to Riley.

Sis what's up

Have you seen Beth's Instagram

No I don't follow her still


No but Riles was going on about something on it?



Ella and Beth date....


Pass me my phone and I'll show you

James passes me my phone and I show him

Holy cow I best text Riles and check in it since she doesn't particularly like Beth still.

Yeah, when is she over next, I would like sister time again. Maybe if she's not feeling sick again have a sleep over with her, unless you want to have her alone considering  her being sick for a while.

Ummm well she's probably gonna remain sick, I spoke to mum about it and she reckons she's pregnant-

Same with Emily

Em didn't say anything to me

Girl talk

James laughs and nods. I join in with his laughing and then we hug and he goes to continue changing.

I suddenly get a text from a unknown number and I look to discover it's Finn.

I know this is a short chapter but I'm trying to get them out as best as I can

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