ok son.....

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*the future*

Hi my names Finn Tordjman. My parents are James and Riley Tordjman. I'm 16. My parents want to talk to me today.

I walk into the office room mum spends most of her time in and I see dad kneeling beside a box and mum looking at a photo of a young girl who looks a little bit like dad

I walk into the office room mum spends most of her time in and I see dad kneeling beside a box and mum looking at a photo of a young girl who looks a little bit like dad

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Mum turns round and has tears in her eyes.

'Finn baby boy..... I know this is gonna be hard to tell you but..... me and dad..... we're.....sending you away'

'What mum....why..... I've done nothing but look after you all the time'

'That's why.... this is actually your aunt Piper but she commited suicide when she was 17.....she had serious anxiety and....'

Mum then breaks down and dad grabs her into a hug. You see my parents are still madly in love with each other. Dad carries on saying

'So me and mum are sending you back in time do you can try calm piper so she doesn't commit.... we've built a time machine and we wanna attempt it.'

I nod because I know dad is a massive family guy.

'Ok then. I'll try. For you and mum'

' thanks Finn son. Oh yeah one thing..... so piper doesn't get suspicious...... your gonna be Finn Mackie.....while in the past'

Mum wipes her eyes then looks at me

'Mackie is my mum's maiden name so that's why we chose it for you'

'Ok mum'

Me mum and dad then my sister who joins all hug then we pack a bag for me then we go to where the time machine is built and I hug mum once more because she's crying and shaking then I get in the time machine and wave off as dad sets the time for 2 years before Pipers year of death then like a flash of lightning my parents and sister disappear and I end up in a studio much like a old one of the one my Aunt Emily owns.

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