👨‍👦Wait hes my dad.....shoot👨‍👦

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Finns POV (i finally did it after like 5 chapters)

So Emily tells us that James is going to lead rehearsals and I nod along with the group. I look at James and instantly know he's my dad..... wait he's pipers brother.....holy cow I'm crushing on my aunt.

We do the choreo and then James calls a break but asks me and piper to stay to work on our lifts. He calls Riley in and as expected it's mum. I get very awkward because this version of mum and dad don't know me since technically I'm not born yet in the time I'm in. We do our lifts then as Riley seems awkward James calls a break to calm his partner down. Piper whispers to James then goes and buys him a water for Riley. I glance subtly at Riley's hand and there is just the ring I recognise as the promise ring, I eat my snack as piper returns and gives James the water, she then sits beside Riley and they chat for a little bit until the team returns again and we continue rehearsal.

Rehearsals end and me and piper are the only ones to stay. Piper goes into the office and helps there pushing James out so me and James start chatting then we decide to have a dance and flip battle. He lets me win but I do the same so it ends up a tie.  We try again and keep tying and so we decide to give up. We chat for the rest of the time till Riley asks to go home

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