💍ring search (future) 💍

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Alfies pov

So today me and Riley are gonna meet up to find me a ring for Annabel. I asked Riley because I know she's the best one for the job and also I know she's missing Finn, Riley and I are practically sisters meaning yet another reason to ask her.

After a while we meet in town and Riley is in this reddish orange top and pale blue jeans with some black boots topped off with slightly curled hair and a pair of glasses.

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I have to admit she looks cute but she's married and a mum and besides I have my perfect Annabel

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I have to admit she looks cute but she's married and a mum and besides I have my perfect Annabel.

We go into several different jewellery shops and finally I find one with the perfect ring. I ask Riley to put it on to check and she does and even messages James to ask him and they both agree it's perfect. I buy the ring them me and Riley go to a restaurant and eat. James asked me to do this. As he knows Riley is upset about missing Finn. While eating Riley asks me if I want to have kids with Annabel and I nod. I ask her if she wants more kids with James and she looks down, sighs and nods then informs me she's too scared to tell James because how hurt he was due to the miscarriage. I tell her she should just say because James adores her and always will, I tell her when James came to get me to help the studio in the finals he said ' I am the love of her life and she's the love of mine and that's just the way it is' this causes her to smile and blush, she tells me when they got back together she told him 'i love you  it's always been you and  I'll Always love you and I'm so sorry for what I did but your just gonna have to find a way to forgive' she would have said me if he didn't cut her off with a passion filled kiss. I tell her that's cute then we eat I pay with the money James gave me then I take Riley home and as I leave I seen her kissing James passionately and I know she's gonna tell him

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