wait what did he say......

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Emily's pov

So after rehearsals finish I go to meet up with Riley. We meet at a house her and James are looking at buying.

So we meet then we go to Southside Johnny's (a/n season 1 scene). Along the way Riley tells me she's been feeling sorta sick recently but she's been stressed so it's probably that. Honestly I don't believe when she pins it on the stress having seen how lovey dovey she is with James.

We chat for a bit and she tells me about the fact she's gonna be able to graduate early as she's working ahead of everyone in the class. She then tells me about her relationship with James.
Thinking about James leads me to think of Finn.

I could have sworn the new boy at the Studio said don't even worry about it.....wait He did.....hold on the Swedish team were the same age as James right?

Ummm I believe so

So Finns lying ....unless he's adopted

What are you on about Em

Oh don't even worry about it.... studio stuff

Oh this boy has got me so confused on so many levels. Me and Riley move the conversation onto what she plans to do now she's graduating early. She tells me that she is considering buying and running a studio with James. I agree that she should but she should talk to James first because he may want something else. After a bit we order coffees but as soon as Rileys comes she runs to the bathroom and I chase after and hear her throwing up. After she corrects herself I ask her if she's ok but she just assured assures me that it's just stress. I try to urge her to go to the hospital but she shakes it off as stress. Each time I tell her she should get checked out she brushes it off as stress and tells me that classic don't even worry about it, her saying don't even worry about it reminds me of Finn and what he said and it runs through my mind all over again. I should as Michelle about it maybe.

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