🏡So your moving......(pt 1)🏡

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Pipers pov

So I go to the studio and Emily calls me into the office. I go in and she asks me if I know about James and Riley. I nod and smile. She tells me to expect Riley at mine a lot. Just as she is James walks in and asks Emily if she needs help as he's found a house for him Riley and obviously the baby. Emily gives him a list of jobs to do and he races off to do them. I laugh weakly at his reactions. Emily laughs as she sees James clean the mirrors and Windows all around the studio. James then starts hanging red and green garlands around the walls and that's when rehearsal starts.

Emily tells us all that James is sorting out the Christmas decorations for the studios 30th anniversary and Christmas party. She tells us that Eldon is gonna choreograph a short version of the Nutcracker which was the very first performance the studio put on. I laugh as James interrupts and mentions how Chloe left to go to The Nutcracker too. Emily scaulds James but laughs at the same time. She tells everyone James is her sisters boyfriend so he will be helping out. Emily goes into the office and everyone spawns round James just like usual. I notice Finn by my side watching me.

We start to choreograph solos to audition for roles with and after rehearsal and once James is done he takes home. I'm In the car we talk about the house he's found and he momentarily stops at the chemists to get Riley anti-sickness. Turns out mum is making Riley move in with us till James gets the new place.

We get home and I go to my room and look at my arms. I decide to talk to Riley so invite her to my room. She comes in and we begin to talk starting off with the fact she's pregnant and moving.

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