👸queen (future based)👸

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Rileys pov

So today we are meeting up with Alfie and his girlfriend Annabel. Yes jiley are meeting Alfie. Turns out he tried to help Piper in the past meaning we have a new respect for him. In actual fact James and Alfie are bros and we meet up about 2 times a year. Today is the first time we are ever meeting Annabel and I have to admit I'm excited. You see Alfie didn't date till after me and then he finally met Annabel and it seems like it was true love. Me and James are having a bit of a argument over whether we tell Alfie what we did to Finn or we lie and say he's away with Emily and Michelle. You see Emily and Michelle have gone on a tour together and want a opener for it and so there's a chance to say we sent Finn there.

So finally me and James finally agree to tell Alfie the truth and we go to meet him. Once we got to the airport since they are coming from Switzerland we wait. James texts Alfie to say where we are and after a few minutes he arrives at the car with this beautiful girl. She had seriously sapphire blue eyes and ginger/red hair even redder than Giselles. They got into the back of the car and Alfie tells us she's Annabel and I kinda stare through the mirror as James drives. She is actually amazing.

We go to the park and sit there in silence for a bit. After the silence James asks Alfie how him and Annabel met. Alfie tells us that they knew each other for a few years before he moved to Canada but he never saw her as a romantic partner. By the time he asked us if he could bring her to meet us they had been together a year.  James and Alfie go to buy me and Annabel some drinks and snacks and after a few minutes of  Annabel finally speaks.  I am amazed at her voice. She tells me she's got anxiety so I tell her so do I and then she visibly relaxes. She tells me she's actually only half swiss. The boys come back and I go a spill of James and Annabel relaxes with him too.

We all joke about together and me and James talk about Finn and Frankie. Then the boys make me and Annabel laugh by arguing about who the best girl or we they say queen is.

After a bit Alfie pulls me aside and shocks me by saying he wants to propose to Annabel and that he needs my help to find a ring. I am shocked to say the absolute least


Annabel 45Eyes and hair got darker as she grew up Half Swiss half Australian Swiss mum australian dad

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Eyes and hair got darker as she grew up
Half Swiss half Australian
Swiss mum australian dad

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