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"we're here! we're here! so sorry we're late john had another recording session today"spencer announced as he and john walked into the meeting room only to see noah and sitting next to an empty chair while using his phone

"hey spence. it's fine we kind of just got here, mackenzie's in the bathroom"noah replied making john sigh as he sat on the vacant chair farthest from the other empty eat.

noah and spencer caught up with each other while john was simply texting lauren who was freaking out about her first day of filming today. she didn't tell him why she was freaking out, she just told him she was nervous.

"ahh kenzie! they're here come sit down"noah exclaimed causing john to look up from his phone.

and for the first time in five years, john laid his eyes on the girl he knew to be his first love. something about her was so different yet somehow so the same. her style changed a bit and she looked a little more mature (obviously) but nevertheless, she still looked stunning.

but he wasn't sure if he wanted anything to do with her outside of work anymore.

he wanted to hate her, he wanted to hate her so bad, but he couldn't. and he had absolutely no idea why.

"john, kenzie. we're sure you're familiar with one another"spencer said. the two smiled at each other awkwardly before john turned his attention back to his phone to tell lauren that he had to go, and to wish her good luck on her first day.

"well we expected a better reunion but we'll work on that i guess"

no one (other than their friends and family of course) actually knows what happened between john and kenzie. they didn't wanna create more drama, and no matter how angry john was at her, he didn't want to create controversy by leaking the video to the public or telling the world what really went down between because that wasn't going to do them any good.

"so here's what we're thinking. you guys can..."


the meeting surprisingly went smoothly, but john seemed a lot more quiet than usual which surprised spencer, especially because they were brainstorming a song. he gave input every now and then but there was obviously something a little off about him.

noah and spencer stepped out for a smoke so they could take a little break before getting back to business. john's attention was on his phone as he read an article that was analyzing what went wrong with jaeden martell (which he believed was bullshit because it wasn't over for him yet). his name was mentioned in the article that's why he stumbled upon it but it was interesting to see people's theories about what was going on in the life of someone they barely knew and treating their assumptions as if they were gospel.

"so uhh how have you been?"kenzie asked in an attempt to break the awkward silence

"it's fine kenzie. you don't have to talk to me, save the small talk for the pr"he replied quickly, the brunette rolled her eyes and scoffed, resting her head on her palm

"just wanted to know how you've been doing"she muttered under her breath making john sigh

"i've been great."he replied shortly,

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