twenty seven

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after an hour of walking around the neighborhood with thor and loki, jaeden was finally able to retreat to the comforts of his home to take a nice long shower hopefully with his girlfriend. the brunet entered the code of his gate, adjusting the leashes in his hand as the gates opened by themselves. he walked onto his property, closing the gate behind him before letting the dogs run free in the front yard as he went through then ungodly pile of mail that piled up the past few days.

it was just a bunch of invitations and scripts so it was nothing of importance, he called for both his dogs, whistling at them and so the two golden retrievers came running towards their owner. jaeden picked up their leash, walking with towards the front door. the brunet drew out the keys from his pocket, only for him to realize that the door was actually open.

"now who did your mother invite?" he cooed, slowly opening the door. they entered the house quietly, with jaeden telling both his dogs to sit once they were at the foyer so he could remove their leashes, and once he did so, the two went running towards lauren who was sitting in the dining area with sateen, lilia, jill, emily, jules, brynn, and jayden.

"i was gone for an hour" jaeden said, chuckling softly as he approached his girlfriend, giving her a firm kiss on the lips

"yeah, this whole thing was unplanned. have you eaten?" lauren replied, a hint of concern in her voice as she laced their fingers together

"uh yeah, i got some take out at the café"

"we have food here? why waste your money?"

"well i can't really make food because i drop everything"

"i can cook"

"no laur. you can't" he retorted, exhaling sharply making lauren pout. he gave her a kiss on the cheek before going to the kitchen

"emily where's louis?" he then asked, carefully opening the refrigerator to get some strawberries

"doing a thing for that creepy boarding school movie he auditioned for. pretty exciting, he's picking me up though"

"i see. what are you girls doing here?"

"it kind of just happened. we're missing cylia, erin, and olivia actually"

"this gonna be a regular thing now?"

"maybe. sorry you aren't gonna get morning sex anymore" jill quipped, wrapping her arm around lilia's bicep before resting her head on her shoulder, then taking a quick bite of the sandwich lauren prepared

"not a fan because i'm usually out of it, but lauren loves it. it's up to her really. happens regardless" he replied, playfully winking at lauren who rolled her eyes at him, rising from her seat. she padded towards him before wrapping her arms around his neck, giving him a quick peck on the lips before saying

"think they're leaving in half an hour they all have work"

"yeah we're leaving in an hour! we're still here laur have some dignity. that's sateen and lilia's ex you're kissing" jules chimed in causing jayden to giggle softly, the couple high fived before jayden fed jules some grapes.

"oh i don't care i'm screwing her ex" sateen replied nonchalantly, taking a sip of her orange juice. the rest of the girls shared a look but it was a running joke between lauren and sateen. the two understood each other in ways others wouldn't be able to.

truth be told, they were probably better friends than lauren and kenzie were.

"how was your walk?" lauren then asked, cooing at thor who was playing with a ball. sighing heavily, jaeden shook his head before pressing his lips into a thin line, turning to loki with a disappointed look, saying

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