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truth be told, john told himself that he was going to avoid parties from now on. i mean, he's only been to two in the past few months, but things always happened in them.

but when the got the invite to olivia's album release party? something inside him told him that he should go. well, that and spencer, his manager, forced him to. something about finding someone to collab with and publicity, he wasn't really paying attention.

and so john found himself sitting at his table alone with a bottle of beer in his left hand, and a pen on his right as he wrote random lyrics on a napkin. you would think the flashing lights that went from purple to blue, and the loudness of place would distract him, but he's learned to tune all that out.

he would've danced with the friends he was able to catch up with at the party, but he wasn't in the mood to embarrass himself on the dance floor just yet. he wasn't drunk enough to do so.

the blond hummed the melody that played in his head before he wrote down some more lyric ideas on the napkin. he eventually ran out of space so he just read over what he had a few times, taking out a few words here and there when he suddenly felt someone sitting next to him. he cleared his throat and closed his pen, noticing the brunette in his peripheral vision, he turned his body towards her, smiling politely at her before saying

"hey olivia! congrats on the album!"

"thanks john. glad you could make it! hope you don't mind that i stay here for awhile, my feet are killing me. i had to greet all these people" olivia told him. exhaling deeply as she folded her arms across her chest and leaned further into her backrest

"not a problem. you must be exhausted, i think everyone in the music industry is here"

"i wouldn't say everyone, probably forty percent? i didn't feel like inviting this many people but my manager forced me to" she told him, chuckling softly before shaking his head making him do the same

"ehh you gotta do what you gotta do. at least we paid"

"tell me about it. hey where's lauren? and jaeden?"

"mm no idea honestly, i thought jaeden would at least be here" he drawled, scanning the party for any trace of his good friend

"i sent him the invite. said he was gonna bring lauren and kat. but none of them are here so eh. i need to see lauren though, and thank her"

"thank her? for what?"

"some of the songs on my album were inspired by her" she informed him before giggling, continuing with

"she went on a full on rant about jaeden and kat when we were at jaeden's. next thing you know i'm writing happier, deja vu, and good 4 u"

"well if i see her i let her know" john replied, nodding slightly at the brunette before tapping his fingers on the table

"what do you have over there?" she then asked, gesturing to the napkin on the table

"oh um — random lyrics. i need a new song because i don't feel comfortable singing the song, kenzie and i recorded, with someone else. it doesn't feel right"

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