twenty five

451 23 186


(when the rain starts to pour 💃 (iykyk))


"no not lauren please!" jaeden whimpered, squirming underneath his blanket once again.

"lauren! lauren! don't take her! don't — anyone but lauren please!" he then screamed with tears rolling down his cheeks, his body jerking upwards before he let out screams of agony.

lauren desperately wanted to do something, to wake him, and to assure him that he was going to be okay, to hold him. but the doctor told her that it wasn't ideal, because she may either not be able to wake him, or she would wake him, but he'd be disoriented and upset which could harm the both of them depending on the severity. and by the looks of this episode? it was pretty bad.

the blonde sat on the stool in her boyfriend's room, taking note of the third consecutive episode this week as per their doctor's recommendation.

lauren knew what her boyfriend was going through, and she was still trying to learn the ins and outs of withdrawal. she doing as much research as she could in her spare time, and consulting people who have gone through the same, and their loved ones. watching the man she loved going through withdrawal was painful. she knew it was gonna be hard but she didn't think it was going to be this hard. after all, the website did say that their reactions could vary depending on the substances they used to take, and well it seems — based on inquiry from wyatt and olivia — jaeden basically took all of them.

the pen lauren was using ran out of ink. the blonde clicked her tongue before opening the drawer, knowing that jaeden kept a few spare pens in that one. she picked a random one, not really caring about the color. she just needed something to write with. when she picked the pen up however, she noticed a polaroid, sitting at the bottom of drawer.

she decided to take it, out of curiosity, turning on the flashlight on her phone to get a better look at the said photo, only to realize that there were two other photos. one was of her on the night of her birthday five years ago, sitting with bentley and leo in front of the pile of presents that jaeden had bought her that year. the other was a more recent picture of her that he captured a few days ago on set and she was reading her lines. she didn't even know that he had taken the photo. she just thought he was fixing the camera.

the last one was of her and him five years ago, the only thing you could see was their faces, but it was probably on their four month anniversary. they looked like they were in bed too. a grin crept onto the blonde's lips upon noticing that she and jaeden wore the brightest smiles they've ever smiled. things weren't the same after that.

and so lauren decided to keep the last photo, to remind her that there was going to be a light at the end of this tunnel. and it was being able to bring jaeden's smile back, and an eternity of love and happiness with him.

then she looked up at the newly framed blue post right above his (basically their) bed. they promised each other they were going to take care of each other, and she meant everything she said. he didn't give up on her before (until she forced him to of course), so she wasn't going to give up on him now.

jaeden bolted up from his bed, panting heavily as he ran his fingers through his hair. mumbling a few curse words as he scanned the room, uttering


"i'm here baby. don't worry" she cooed, sauntering towards him before getting underneath the covers with him, and wrapping her arms around him

"i — i'm sorry i —"

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