twenty nine

398 25 159

author: bet you expected this to be unedited

yeah you're right i didn't edit this LMFAO

honestly if you expected this to be edited you're overestimating me HAHAHA i cram this shit hours before posting 😙✌️ i have a whole week to write chapters and what do i do?

i don't

anyways yeah enjoy the chap this is me trying to up my word count PLS


eight months later

"jaeden and lauren! jaeden will be in room 407 and lauren will be on 1215" wyatt chriped, handing the couple, who had just arrived at the hotel lobby, two separate keycards.

the couple gave the curly haired boy a bewildered expression, trying decipher whether or not he was telling the truth. jaeden and lauren exchanged a confused glance, refusing to reach for the cards their good friend was offering them.

"you're joking right?"


"why'd you put us in separate rooms?"

"because why not? you two live together anyway. you're probably sick and tired of each other" the brunet taunted, smirking at the couple who still refused to take the cards

"wow, you two are on a whole other level of horny. i'm just kidding room 407 is my room, you guys have 1215"

"why is your room so far from everyone else's wy?"

"no, your room is the one that's far from everyone else's. no one wants to stay next to you two. anyways have fun go get settled in!" wyatt cheered, giving lauren the keycard to room 1215 before strolling along out to the garden to check on the venue

it was finally the week of wyatt's wedding. it was a smooth couple months for everyone surprisingly, except for john and olivia but we'll get to them later.

wyatt and erin (and brynn) were better than ever, ultimately deciding to have the wedding a month after the initial date they set. planning was perfect, everyone showed up to dinners (john and olivia alternated), the dresses were gorgeous, the decorations were everything. it was all going so smoothly.

wyatt, jill, and louis had wrapped their movie. it was going to be released a few after wedding. if it does well, which it will, they're going to be finishing the trilogy of the books they based it off of. much to their dismay.

jill and lilia were happier than ever, career wise and relationship wise. going on trips, writing songs and coming up with different things to fill certain plot holes in the book lilia was publishing. they had yet to move in together but they basically lived together anyway. the only question was when they were going to move in together.

louis and emily were basically married. they were debating on who should move in with who, emily insisted on having louis move into her house while louis wanted her to move into his house. so they came up with a little contest to determine who should move in with who. career wise, the two were thriving as always. emily's netflix movie was comign out soon.

jayden and jules weren't moving as fast as the other two not so surprisingly, they were taking things as slow as possible, trying to make sure that they got everything right. but the two were obviously madly in love. anyone who would say otherwise is probably blind.

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