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⚠️⚠️ WARNING: LAEDEN  ⚠️⚠️

ik most of you hate that i write about a ship that i made up and actually like but deal with it ❤️ if you hate that i do so why the fuck are you still here?

literally don't understand how you guys can be like "oh i don't like that you write about laeden" and you still continue to read my books like are you okay 👁👄👁 do you seriously think that hating on me for it relentlessly is going to change my mind??

oh sorry, relentlessly means persistently, which means you don't stop or give up.

just thought i'd give you all an english lesson since you guys don't know the meaning of "if you don't like what i write then leave" ❤️

anyways bc i know some of you are biased as fuck and some of you jenzie stans probably won't vote on this chapter bc there's no jenzie in it. let's compromise

40 votes and 400 comments and i'll update this book on thursday AND friday next week 😗✌️


9am, jaeden told you be here at 9am.

so why the fuck are you here at 8:15?

lauren thought to herself, pacing back and forth, debating as to whether or not she should ring the doorbell at the gate of jaeden's house to let her know that she was there.

"just do it lauren, he knows you like to be early"she muttered, stopping right in front of the doorbell that she was certain was made out of gold.

"but he might make something else of it his ego's inflated enough"she groaned, stepping her left foot back as she retracted her right hand, bringing up to pick on her lips. a habit she developed over years whenever she was anxious.

"that kinda hurt. but i can assure you i won't"jaeden spoke up from behind causing lauren to jump. she turned on her right heel only to see jaeden sitting in a black porsche with his window rolled down. this definitely wasn't the car he was riding when he bumped into her a few nights ago.

"how long have you been there?"

"long enough to hear you saying i had a massive ego. get in the car."he said grumpily making lauren roll her eyes as she jogged to the side of the passenger's seat. she hastily opened the door and sat down, closing it immediately after while jaeden simply rolled his eyes before pressing a few buttons right below his doorbell.  

the tall black gates opened automatically causing lauren's eyes to widen as jaeden drove his car to the space where all his other cars were. lauren counted seven. 4 sports cars, and a jeep, and 2 not so expensive looking cars, the one he was driving right now would be his eighth.

"where'd you come from? a one night stand?"she asked monotonously as jaeden parked the car. they both stepped out of the car almost immediately while jaeden simply furrowed his eyebrows at her seemingly jealous remark before saying

"you know, you have some jealously issues you need to sort out"

"i'm not jealous, and you're one to talk"

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