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author: will contain a scene from the movie the notebook! i did not create nor do i own the characters and such, all credits go to its rightful owners.

this isn't edited lmfao


the same night, john was sitting at the corner of a party by himself. he was invited by a friend who ultimately ditched him to have sex with some random girl in the bathroom. and other than that guy, john didn't know anyone else at the party.

see, after the whole kenzie thing five years ago, and before that even. john hated la. he wasn't too fond of the people, or anything else and so when his family decided to move back to canada for lauren he was more than willing to pack his bags and go.

unfortunately for him though, he had to live in this dreaded place for a few months every year to do stuff for his career. though he was he was rarely at parties. he was usually at home writing music or complaining about wanting to leave.

he didn't go out much either because the press here was insane, following his every move trying to create drama even though he was just getting a cup of coffee.

he was actually surprised that he came. maybe he was just bored, or he just needed a drink because of everything that was happening. it was as if it was five years ago all over again, they were all in some group chat, everyone in that chat was single except for brynn and wyatt like the only difference was that jill and louis were there instead of asher and armani.

and that they were more mature and experienced. traumatized even. but we won't talk about that.

he finished his drink and looked up from his phone only to see kenzie sitting at the bar with some random guy.

he wanted nothing to do with her, but something made him stay. he couldn't trust this guy that was talking to her, and he didn't really want anything bad to happen to her.

...because they were going to be working together and he just wanted to make sure that she was okay. and he's a decent human being that's only looking out for an old friend.

he saw kenzie excuse herself to go to the bathroom. the brunette clearly had too much to drink as she stumbled through the party as if her legs weren't functioning. john turned his attention to the guy who took something from out of his pocket and placed it into her drink. and that's when he knew he had to step in.

kenzie walked out of the bathroom and went back to her previous seat as john quickly made his way over to her, and just as she was about to bring the cup to her lips john took the cup from her and said

"hey! that's enough we have work tomorrow"

"dude what the hell?"the guy she was talking to furrowed his eyebrows at the blonde who rolled his eyes and before replying with

"i saw what you did to her drink. she and i have been friends for a long time i won't let you do anything to her"

"come on man just let me have some fun!"

john's eyes widened, his mind clouded with anger and disgust at the guy and so within seconds, his fist met they guy's cheek.

"haha"kenzie snorted making the guy roll his eyes. he stood up to 'fight' john but all his attempts were no use. john sighed heavily and looked around, seeing as to everyone was distracted he threw a punch at the guy's jaw and knocked him out.

"huh, i had no idea i could do that"he mumbled to himself before turning to kenzie and saying

"let's get you home kenz"

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