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5 years later.

"jayden! it's been so long how are you?"jules exclaimed excitedly upon meeting her best friend at a restaurant

jayden was visiting jules, who was cast in a not so minor role in a semi popular netflix show. despite the minor role she was actually the fan favorite, considering she already had a huge social media following, and her character was honestly better than all the main characters, not to mention she had the best one liners. they all want to know more about her.

"i'm good! i mean, i'm still single because armani decided cheat on me with the girl he told me not to worry about so now i have trust issues but i'm fine! i don't need him!"jayden smiled as she pulled her best friend in for a tight hug

"of course you don't. and what about that modeling career of yours that's taking off? is it too late to go back in time so we can just date each other instead?"jules asked making jayden roll her eyes playfully as they pulled away.

"oh shush sit down bitch let's catch up"jayden said

the two girls sit at a rather hidden booth in the corner of the vintage restaurant. they mostly talked about their careers, some flings, and whatever you talk about when catching up with your best friend.

"so, how's wyatt and brynn? you guys meet up all the time right?"jules asked as she took a sip of her strawberry milkshake

"brynn's the same, she opening her own dance studio soon so that should be interesting. wyatt's going to be one of the lead in like this really intense movie! i don't know the title yet, but it's about three friends who were framed and they all run from the cops while trying to find the person who actually did it"jayden began

"it deals with some heavy shit too that might be controversial but i can't talk about it"she added

"and you know all this because?"

"wyatt left his script in his living room one time so brynn and i read it. we may or may not have teared up a little"jayden giggled before taking a bite out of her salad.

"of course you did. haven't changed at all now have you?"jules shook her head as she played around with her food

"so who's in the movie with him?"she then asked

"louis partridge and jillian shea spaeder"jayden replied shortly

"i love jill. but like louis?! holy shit really?!"jules exclaimed, before bringing her spoon up to her lips and blowing gently on the soup

"yup. they've all become really great friends actually. i mean jaeden did work with louis four years ago. wyatt plans on introducing brynn and i to his cast mates though"

"bring me along too bitch i wanna meet louis!"jules said excitedly making jayden laugh before she saying

"wyatt said he was nice. anyway so how are you?"

"same old same old. still single. and uhh i have a lunch with finn tomorrow?"

"wow girl you went from begging jaeden and wyatt to ask him to reply to you to basically becoming his best friend. don't replace me with him"jayden scoffed making jules laugh as she rested her head on her palm

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