twenty eight

371 23 136

author: not edited at all bc i crammed all this in less than twenty four hours lmao read at your own risk this is trash


* filler chapter to steer clear of the john and olivia drama*

despite the miscarriage happening a little more than three weeks ago, erin and wyatt were still grieving. while they were slowly getting back on their feet and living their life as they used to. there was still a leaden weight tugging on their hearts. especially when they passed by the room that would've been their child's. they had yet to take down anything there. they couldn't bring themselves to.

take out all the drama wyatt had to deal with because of his friends, he and erin were in this state of pure bliss. wedding planning was going smoothly, had a kid on the way who they were very excited to meet. sure all of their friends to say the least — falling apart, and they dealt with that. but when it was just the two of them? everything seemed so perfect. and all that change in less than a day.

wyatt was the only one actually going to work for the movie this whole week to make up for the stuff he missed. jill and louis were given a week off. wyatt was filming all the scenes he needed to film. truth be told, they could've, and should've done a lot more but camille's a bit lazy.

and so after a relatively short day at work, wyatt came home expecting the house to be empty as usual. erin always came home late because she too was making up for the time she missed. but to his surprise, when he arrived at the house the door was unlocked.

"please don't tell brynn's in here eating all our food again i don't wanna cook" wyatt muttered under his breath, the curly haired boy exhaled, pushing the door open.

no one was in the kitchen *thankfully* and so wyatt let out a sigh of relief, but then he realized he had to put his guard up again. if brynn wasn't here then why was the front door open?

it was there wyatt did what he did best when he was alone. talk to himself.

great, miscarriage, no one knows when the wedding will be, now a robbery. can my life get any worse?

don't say that wyatt when people in movies say that it always gets worse you should know that

then again what else can life throw at me?

a truck maybe.

derek shepherd who?

that's dark other part of wyatt

sorry wyatt

anyways so why is the front door open? you think erin packed her bags and left?

that's even worse

you'd rather get hit by a truck?

better than being broken up with?

no it's not — i mean yeah breakups hurt but i'd rather be alive

but getting hit by a truck is a quick death you won't feel the pain

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