
639 49 304

author: there's gonna be a lot of laeden in the next few chapters 🙆‍♀️ i mean there usually is but this is more so yeah just a heads up hopefully you guys don't forget about everyone else

also warning: gc jenzie flashbacks :0

and an intense ish make out scene ig. i'm not good at writing those mostly bc the people i write about are minors and it makes me extremely uncomfortable to read and write about them — doing stuff

joking about it i'm fine with writing but them actually doing the deed (in detail) makes me feel weird that's why i never write it

so i guess it's not going to be that intense but i guess it'll be mature?? nothing compared to some of the other stuff on this app but it's definitely not wholesome???

idek what i'm saying anymore just there's a make out scene ahead

i tried 🤠

anyways 40 votes and a shit ton of comments for an update (more than 200 at least i don't wanna give an exact number)


"hey am i late? sorry i had a little thing for work"lauren said, hastily taking a seat in front of william who was waiting for her at a small restaurant not too far from where she lived

"no no i arrived two minutes ago it's all good"william smiled, turning off his phone before raising his hand up to ask for a waiter

"oh okay that's good"the blonde hummed, picking up the menu right in front of her.

"so what do you want?"he then asked, putting his arm down as he noticed a waiter headed towards them

"hmm, i'll have the truffle pasta and some iced tea. oh and clam chowder"

"alright, we'll have two clam chowders, i will have the lasagna and a coke, this lovely lady right here will have truffle pasta and iced tea"william told the waiter who simply nodded in reply as he wrote down their orders.

he thanked the pair who handed him their menus before he walked back to the kitchen to prepare their food, leaving lauren and william sitting in awkward silence.

this was not the way their reunion was supposed to go. lauren did not expect for things to be this awkward between them, all they said before their breakup was that they were going to fix their schedules and work on a few things then get back together.

it was pretty much fixed already so what was holding them back?

to be fair, that's similar to what lauren and jaeden said to each other when they broke up five years ago, they promised they'd be back and they never got back together.

was this what lauren had become? someone who breaks their promises?

"so, how's the movie? and working with jaeden?"william cleared his throat, shifting in his seat uncomfortably after the waiter arrived with their drinks

"oh the movie's fine. i'm pretty excited for it. i mean, it's a lot of pressure because the 2004 version did really well. and rachel mcadams is an icon so she played allie really really well. but i'm working with golden globe winner jaeden martell, i feel pretty good."she giggled, taking a sip of her iced tea before setting it back down on the coaster

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