twenty six

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author: oa spoilers?? for those who haven't read the book or smth lmao

also make out session 🤠

idek why i give warnings anymore they're not even that bad and i already know you guys have read worse

EX'S & OH's

lauren and jaeden never thought they'd see the day, but alas, it finally came. the movie they had been tirelessly working (ish) on for the past few months had finally wrapped. and in six months, maybe a little more depending on when the studio sets its release date, they'd finally be able to see all the cast and crew's hard work, come into fruition.

when ricky had yelled cut, lauren and jaeden were brought to tears. they had no idea why, they lived in the same house, they went to work together, at this point they might as well share a dressing room because one was always in the other (as if they didn't already get enough of each other at home).

maybe it was because this project brought them back together, reunited two lost souls who resigned to the fact that they'd only be each other's 'the one that got away' or their 'right person, wrong time'. reconnected ex-lovers who had never actually stopped loving each other in the first.

though they weren't the original noah and allie, they've grown attached to them. relating to them in some ways especially in terms of their story. it was through noah and allie that lauren and jaeden were able to realize that there was hope for them.

noah and allie had two love stories, just like lauren and jaeden did. both couples started out as star-crossed lovers, so helplessly in love with one another but no one wanted them to be together. so they eventually had to break up and go in different paths.

then years later they reconnect, both lauren and allie faced with a dilemma to pick between the man they'd only be comfortable with, or the man who truly made them happy. and we all know who they both picked in the end.

it was through noah and allie that jaeden and lauren realized they were soulmates, so having all this come to an end was bittersweet. though spending long hours on set was tough, it was rewarding. jaeden and lauren loved slipping in and out of character, most of the time they weren't even acting anymore. they just knew that they loved each other just as much as their characters did, maybe even more, and they were hoping it would resonate with the audience when the time comes.

truth be told, they were glad they came out of this together. like actually together, as boyfriend and girlfriend. when they started filming, things were way too awkward between them for their own good but now? they could barely even keep their hands off of each other.

after wrapping, jaeden and lauren headed home with their teams to get ready for the wrap party. they thought it was gonna be a small thing between the cast and crew, maybe even some friends, but turns out it wasn't. the party was huge. it had a red carpet and everything.

after getting their hair and makeup ready, the couple made their way to their room to get dressed. admittedly, lauren got a little déjà vu. five years ago, she was standing in the bathroom of jaeden's room all dressed up, except back then? she hated herself. she let the comments get to her and she couldn't even look at herself in the mirror without almost crying, but jaeden always made her feel loved.

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