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author: ignore all the typos i did not have the energy to edit 🐬


"are you sure this is a good idea? i haven't spoken to jaeden in like three years"jules asked, hopping out of finn's car as they arrived at jaeden's house early in the morning, given that finn had a day off and jules was working at night they figured it would be the perfect time

"i'm positive. he'll understand don't worry"finn told her confidently, smiling widely as he rang the doorbell.

seconds later, they heard dogs barking and a muffled voice, the door of the house opened revealing jaeden who was in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, holding a leash with his two dogs at his side

"calm down boys we're going jeez"jaeden cooed at his dogs before glancing up, his lips immediately curving downwards at the sight of finn and jules

"what are you guys doing here?"he asked, clearly annoyed as he adjusted the dogs' leash. 

"hey jaeden, we need your help —"

"no."he replied quickly, walking past the pair who furrowed their eyebrows at him. finn trotted behind him, finally catching up he said

"wait you haven't even heard us this is like —"

"i said no."

"you know you've been such a jerk to us lately."jules spoke up, stopping the pair from going any further

jaeden raised an eyebrow at them, trying to see if they were joking or not. they abandon him at his most vulnerable and now they show up here like it's nothing? he glanced at his dogs before gazing back up at finn and jules. shaking his head, jaeden exhaled sharply before saying

"oh and you two haven't?"

"you're the one ignoring and refusing to help us"

"you were the ones who disassociated yourselves from me when i was accused of something i didn't do!"

"listen. if it were emily or john asking for help i'd give it to them, but you two? you guys turned your backs on me when i needed you people the most and you expect things to just be okay between us?"

"you tried to disassociate yourselves from me and you treated me like crap when i was at my most vulnerable. now you expect me to help you? what do you have amnesia or are you two just fucking dumb?"

"jaeden —"

"no, don't even try to explain. i thought you guys were my friends. i'm doing fine without you guys and you're doing fine without me. we'll be civil for wyatt's wedding but other than that? stay out of my way."he snarled, walking past the pair. sighing heavily, he turned on his feel, and with a scowl he told them

"now get off my property before i call security"


on yet another one of louis' day offs, he and emily found the time to go on another date. though given that emily had a photoshoot and a call back the pair decided to have lunch at a small restaurant close to the studio emily was going to be at.

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