twenty one

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author: very intense laeden chapter ahead approach with caution. one of my favorites tho so i hope you guys like it <3

this is purely laeden (with a little john+olivia) please don't bug me about the other ships they'll be in the other chapters hope you all remember that it's a multi ship book and not just *insert ship you bug me about when they're not featured in the chapter here* <3


"you didn't come home last night" jaeden said as lauren walked into the green room of where they were filming today, clearly exhausted. she arrived thirty minutes after their call time, was in a brown hoodie and some sweats, she had dark circles under her eyes and looked very hungover.

"uh yeah sorry i passed out in the oleffs' apartment"

"you could've messaged me"

"i figured you and kat needed some privacy" lauren mumbled, falling onto the couch before crossing her arms, screwing her eyes shut.

"what the hell did you do?" the brunet asked worriedly, walking over to his ex-girlfriend who groaned softly, turning on her other side before saying

"erin and wyatt have a lot of alcohol that they won't be drinking because erin's pregnant so cylia and i drank all of them"

"lauren sweetie, you and i are —"

"you have a girlfriend jae stop calling me baby or sweetie for goodness sake" she snapped, clicking her tongue before rolling her eyes at her ex-boyfriend, folding her arms across her chest before exhaling sharply

"fine lauren, you and i are filming one of the most iconic scenes of 'the notebook' today. you can't be hungover"

"i'll be fine jae. you used to do this all the time and you still won a golden globe"

"okay yeah about that, i don't think it's fair that i stopped my vises for you and you're out here consuming all the alcohol in sight" he stated, narrowing his eyes at the blonde who made a face before shaking her head

"it's not that bad. and what the hell do you care? get your nose out of my business! you have a girlfriend!" she exclaimed, the brunet grimaced before sighing deeply, telling her

"laur how many times do i have to tell you that i fucking care because you're important to me? and that you'll always be important to me?"

"also i broke it off with kat. i told her that i couldn't be in a relationship with her" he mumbled, lowering his gaze before rubbing his nape, his eyes darted back up at the blonde who looked astonished, her mouth agape as she fumbled on her words, trying to string a proper sentence together while also trying to contain the sudden surge of emotions that suddenly emerged upon hearing that jaeden and kat were no longer a thing.

and all that, only for her to reply to him with


"because she's not you" he said firmly, gazing deep into the pair of emerald green eyes that he fell in love with as a seventeen year old boy.

"i what — what?"

"because she's not you. damn it lauren, i'm not going to stand here and pretend that i don't love you anymore because i do! i have and i always will!"

"and there's no point in trying because every time i meet someone i always compare them to you! and i probably always will because i love you laur. i love you so fucking much! i'm utterly in love with everything about you and nothing's ever going to change that!"

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