thirty one

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author: i don't think i'll be able to edit this bc ppl are here lmao anyways

this chapter is long — like really long ( 9270 words ) enjoy!


it all just happened so fast

one minute, brynn was making her speech, making everyone in the venue laugh, and next thing you know, she's on the ground unconscious.

"brynn!" wyatt exclaimed, rushing over to the blonde with erin trailing behind him

"what's happening?! what?"

"call 911 now!" erin yelled, as her now husband cradled their best friends in his arms, trying to check for a pulse

"no no no this cannot be happening — not tonight brynn!" wyatt said shakily, pulling her to his chest as his eyes glossed with tears

"is there — is there a doctor in here?"

"what's happening? why did she faint? is she okay?" jayden asked frantically, clinging onto to jules who was trembling in fear as they watched wyatt and erin gather around the blonde

"no! no jayden, she's not okay! brynn has — she —"

noticing that her husband was unable to form a sentence, erin sighed heavily placing her hand on his shoulder she glanced back at the group who was trying to figure out what was going on

"brynn — brynn didn't tell you guys because she didn't want you to worry. her sister's not the one with cancer. it's her"

"brynn has cancer"

and just like that, the group went silent. one of wyatt's family members arrived with a couple paramedics who put brynn on the stretcher, hurriedly rushing her out of the venue with wyatt following them without hesitation

"you guys go. wyatt needs you guys, i'll handle the reception"erin told the group, nodding at them before making her way to front of the venue.

emily and louis lead the way, leaving the rest of the group with no choice but to follow them out.


the twelve sat in the waiting area of grey sloan memorial hospital in deafening silence, anxiously waiting for one of the doctors to walk out and tell them that she was fine.

wyatt and erin sat on the chairs a little farther from the rest of the group, in each other's arms. laying down on his wife's lap, wyatt stared into the distance, fidgeting with the hem of his wife's coat. sighing heavily, erin ran her fingers through his hair, nervously tapping her left foot and repeatedly glancing at door.

"how long did you guys know?" john queried, catching everyone's attention.

"quite awhile now"

"why didn't you tell us anything?" lilia asked, on the verge of tears as she clutched onto jill a little tighter.

"she didn't want us to tell you. believe me i wanted to tell you guys so bad so we could convince to take care of herself but she pushed all of this to the side because she was worried about —"

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