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"you can do this kenzie. you've been here before you're still kind of friends, you can do this, you'll be fine." the brunette told herself over and over as she stood at the front of john's house, hesitating to ring the doorbell.

kenzie was there to bring his clothes back. she initially planned to give it to him at the studio but she accidentally left them at home.

"just go for it"she told herself before ringing the doorbell. less than 3 minutes later, john opened the door, not really knowing who to expect

"kenzie! hey what are you doing?"he asked,

"i uh — i came to drop these off."she stammered, handing over the brown paper bag with his clothes in it

"oh thanks you didn't have to. it wouldn't have been the first time you've taken clothes from me"he said, chuckling bitter sweetly as he took the bag from her

"you wanna come inside? or do you have somewhere to be?"

"i uh no — but you don't have to invite me in it's fine i —"

"no i insist. it gets kinda lonely here, it'd be nice to have someone to talk to. maybe work with a little"he told her bashfully before placing a hand behind his neck.

"oh okay — sure"kenzie replied in the same manner as john awkwardly opened the door a little bit wider for her. she pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded before they walked to the living room.

"so do you have any ideas for the song?"he asked her sitting on the chair right across from where she was seated

"a few but i'm not too sure about them yet. is there something else we can talk about? other than work. sorry noah reprimanded us about getting drunk and that annoyed me"she chuckled softly making john do the same as he shook his head and replied with

"sure. what do you think erin and wyatt are going to name their kid?"

"erin's pregnant?"

"no. well i don't know, but they're getting married so they're probably going to have kids first. the rest of us are single"

"eh not gonna lie, if they have a boy they're probably going to name him wyatt or jess. if they have a girl, 50% chance that brynn forces them to name their daughter after her"kenzie giggled, she took her sandals off as she folded her legs on the chair then she leaned on the arm rest, resting her head on her palm.

"of course she would. brynn would probably threaten with them something. but you know what, i think the name lizzie would be cute"john answered, the brunette pinched her eyebrows together before tilting her head to the left as if she were disagreeing before replying to him with

"ken might be cuter"

"no it won't. you're just biased because that's one of your nicknames"

"am not!"

"are to!"

"no i'm not! okay think about it — kennedy. it's adorable!"

"i still say lizzie"

the former couple shared a quick laugh before john offered to get him and kenzie some water. it didn't take too long for him to come back with two glasses of water. kenzie mumbled a soft thank you before john went back to his previous seat.

"where's lauren?"kenzie asked out of curiosity.

the ex best friends had yet to talk. they haven't had the time to, and though lauren had already said that she didn't hold a grudge, kenzie was still guilty about the whole thing.

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