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"you know it feels like it's been so long since we last had a thing just the two of us"jules giggled softly, settling down on jayden's bed as they turned on the tv to let a random movie play in the background while they talked

"mhm and whose fault is that"jayden muttered under her breath, which was inaudible to jules considering that jayden was on the other side of the room, fixing something on her desk

"what was that?"

"nothing! so how's work? have you been doing any of that lately?"jayden chuckled, ambling to the bed. jules furrowed her eyebrows and replied to her best friend with

"yes. i'm at work everyday"

"good for you"jayden said, focusing on the show that was playing on the tv.

"i know it seems like i'm with finn a lot but trust me that's just like time management, he's just as busy as we are. heck maybe even more, he's finn freaking wolfhard!"jules giggled, scooting over to jayden's side and resting her head on her shoulder

"whatever you say jules"the blonde mumbled, which to jules was a little addled because she was paying attention to the tv

"hey am i the only one that feels like we're supposed to be somewhere right now?"jules then stated, lifting her head up from jayden's shoulder. jayden scrunched her eyebrows together and shrugged, pulling her phone out to check her calendar

"oh shit"

"what is it?"

jayden bit her lip before turning the screen to her best friend whose eyes widened. sighing deeply, jayden turned her phone off and placed it back on the night stand before saying

"wyatt would understand right?"

"i think so. yeah, yeah he will. i'm sure"jules said a little confidently. jayden simply nodded reply as she inched a little closer to jules.

"we'll go to the next one. i feel bad"jayden mumbled, already feeling a little guilty about their dwindling friendship with brynn and wyatt

they've all noticed that brynn's been a little hostile towards most of the group, she frequently snapped at them excluding louis, lilia, emily, jill and of course wyatt.

"yeah brynn's mad enough"jules said with a scowl, leaning a little further down on the bad and she pulled the blanket up to her neck

"anyways so, i was thinking you and i go to that alec benjamin concert in two weeks? i have two tickets. we should go, for old times sake"the brunette suggested, chuckling softly she then continued with

"minus the cheating boyfriend of course"

jayden rolled her eyes playfully before laughing along, sinking a little further into the bed beneath her.

"i'd love to. why aren't you bringing finn though?"she asked with a hint of bitterness in her tone, which jules decided to brush off

"it's not finn's type of music. i didn't even think about inviting him anyway. come on it'll be like old times! like, just us you know?"

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