twenty three

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author: not edited


"come home with me" jaeden whispered, placing a hand on lauren's shoulder while standing right in front of the threshold of brynn's house with john, olivia, and lauren

"we need to talk"

"so now you want to talk?" lauren hummed, raising her eyebrows at the brunet who sighed heavily, shaking his head at her before telling her

"yes i do. let's not start something here"

"john, you think you could bring liv home? i was supposed to drive her home tonight" jaeden then said, looking up at the blond who nodded in agreement, trying to hide the smile as he gestured for olivia to come with him.

lauren and jaeden walked over to jaeden's car in silence. not knowing exactly what to talk about. they knew they had to talk, they just didn't know how to start their conversation.

the ride home awkward, their only conversation was jaeden saying 'how is mer' and lauren replying to him with 'good'. given everything they've gone through, they always knew to expect the unexpected. but after the night they shared just a few nights ago, they expected anything but this.

how could you be so helplessly in love one night to screaming and fighting and riding home in silence the next?

they arrived at jaeden's house at midnight, the brunet parked the car in his driveway next to all the other cars he owned before stepping out of the car with lauren. they made their way to the front door, still not saying a word to each other.

but lauren decided that they couldn't let things end like that, not after the things they said to each other the other night. what happened at dinner and this misunderstanding was a bump in the road. she couldn't let him slip away again.

and so she figured that she should say something, not knowing that he too was thinking the exact same thing.

"i'm sorry" they said simultaneously as jaeden closed the door behind him

"no i'm sorry i shouldn't have snapped like that at dinner and caused that whole scene"

"no no. i'm sorry, i should've let you explain. this all wouldn't have happened if i had just picked up your calls and listened to you" he sighed, sauntering over to the blonde who was leaning on the table in the foyer. he placed his hands on her shoulders before sliding them all the way down to her hands, gingerly lacing his fingers with hers.

"yeah but i should've called you"

"eh you were right though, you almost lost her but she woke up. if the same thing happened to my mom, the mind blowing sex i had with the love of my life the night before would be the last thing on my mind" he quipped, chuckling softly as he snaked his right arm around her waist.

lauren puckered her lips and raised an eyebrow at him, she giggled as she placed her hands on his chest, fiddling with the buttons on his polo before saying

"who the hell said it was mind blowing?"

"i'm pretty sure your exact words when we finished was 'that was the best sex i've had in my entire life'. so yeah i would say it was mind blowing"

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