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"popcorn's ready!"jill exclaimed excitedly, taking the popcorn out of the microwave and putting them in a bowl as lilia prepared the movie they were going to watch.

the same night as the last chapter, jill and lilia decided to hang out so lilia could get her mind off of emily and louis going on their date. she and jill decided that they were going to stay over at jill's house to watch a few movies and probably have a few drinks.

"what are we watching?"the curly haired girl asked, sitting next to the blonde who had a fuzzy blanket wrapped around her. jill got into this blanket before placing the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table

"safe house"

"jaeden and olivia's movie?"

"yeah. i've never seen this because, i haven't had the time to watch it. i wanna see if it's as good as people say it is"lilia giggled, leaning forward and taking some popcorn.

"it's really good. jaeden and olivia's chemistry is top tier. i mean — they wouldn't win all those awards if it wasn't good"jill said, getting a little comfortable as she folded her legs up on the couch

"that's true. oh well let's start"lilia shrugged before pressing play on the laptop that was connected to the tv. and so the movie started with some dirty blonde haired boy walking down the stairs and telling his group something. jill, who had seen the movie a hundred times, turned to lilia who seemed really focused.

smiling to herself, she took the time to admire to admire the blonde's beauty. it was the first time in a long time that she'd seen lilia in comfortable clothes, lilia was always in formal attire every time they ran into each other so it was nice to see her let lose a little.

either way however, she still looked gorgeous. lilia was about as natural and genuine as one could get, lived a privileged life but is still down to earth and humble, not to mention very intelligent. anyone's dream girl.

truth be told, jill's always felt some sort of way towards lilia. but she knew about how emily felt about her, and how she felt about emily so out of respect she laid off and never said anything.

see, jill had this habit of putting everyone else before herself. so it was lilia and emily's happiness before hers, and that quite frankly, she still followed today, even if she didn't know she was doing so.

she distanced herself from the couple, eventually distancing herself enough that they barely acknowledged each other's existence. was it intentional? not really. but seeing the girl you've always liked with someone else was heartbreaking, so she had to do what she had to do. let them be happy.

they watched the movie in silence, not because it was boring, but because they were way too indulged. lilia especially, jaeden and olivia's chemistry was undeniable, and their kissing scenes were filled with such passion. their line delivery was exquisite, it was unlike anything they've seen before and lilia was loving every minute of it.

"okay but this seems like a romance movie to me, what's with this narrative that jaeden's first romance movie is the notebook?"lilia asked, inching a little closer to jill as they watched jaeden and olivia slow dance in the middle of a room.

"this one has action, and gore and shit. it's romance but it's also a little dark which is pretty much what jaeden likes i guess. the notebook on the other hand? pure romance."jill explained, lilia's mouth formed an 'o' shape before she nodded and rested her head on jill's shoulder, clinging onto her arm as jill rested her head on top of lilia's.

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