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author: play iris by natalie taylor while reading this chapter. and bc it's long ig you can play songs with the same vibe HAHAHA

this is gonna be fucking long (7000+ words) bc almost everyone is in this chapter bc some of ya'll get really annoying when a ship isn't featured in a chapter even though they were featured in the one before so you better thank me for this 🙄🤚


for a simple wedding, wyatt didn't expect there to be so much planning, nor did he expect that there was going to be so many things to think about. given their personalities, wyatt and erin planned a very simple wedding, only inviting their closest friends and some family members at a small venue where they'd have a simple reception right after.

wyatt figured they'd just pick a venue and some decorations, maybe what food they were gonna serve. then he realized that his wife was an artist, so even though everything was 'small', everything had to be perfect.

from the color scheme, the type of fabric they were going to use for certain things, erin wanted to plan everything in detail. normally wyatt would've just let her go crazy with the planning, and he'd pay for all of it later, but it was their wedding. she had to run everything by him

"okay so — should the cloth be egg shell, ivory or ecru?" erin asked, holding up to three squares, one that said egg shell, another that said ivory, and the other ecru.

"they're the same color"

"no they're different! pick one!"

"they're all white?!" wyatt exclaimed, scratching the side of his head before squinting, inching a little closer to his fiancé to get a closer look at the three tiles

"yup. all white"

"just pick one wyatt" the brunette mumbled, placing jiggling the three tiles in his face before placing them on the table

"alright fine egg shell!"

"really? cause i was going for ecru" erin mumbled, placing a hand on her chin as she examined all three colors yet again

"wanna compromise and pick ivory?"

"whatever you want erin" the curly haired boy sighed, shaking his head at his fiancé before leaning on the arm rest of their olive green sofa.

as erin went on and on about whether or not to use satin for the fabric they were going to drape around the pillars in the venue, wyatt found himself dozing off. his eyes lids were getting heavy as he settled on the couch, folding his knees up to his chest when he suddenly felt a gentle slap on his leg, coming from erin of course.

"get up. i wanna show you something i did"

"ugh can it wait? i was just about to fall asleep" wyatt groaned, burying his face in the throw pillow he was resting his head on

"okay if you're still gonna act like this when we're married there will be no wedding. now get your ass up, i wanna show you something"

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