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author: another very long chapter 🙆‍♀️

90% laeden tho this is crammed don't come at me


the sound of water boiling echoed throughout jaeden's obnoxiously large and empty kitchen as lauren sat on a wooden stool by the stove, reading up on how to make pasta. lauren yawned, checking her watch for the time only to see that it was three in the morning.

she leaned over to check on the noodles, trying to see if they were the way the site said they should be, truth be told she wasn't even too sure if what she was doing was right.

all she cared about was how loud jaeden and kat were.

it was disturbing, and it infuriated her. every time she passed by the master bedroom she could hear their giggling and things falling over. it disgusted her, the thought of jaeden just being with another woman made her sick to her stomach.

"i should've just moved in with john or sateen"lauren groaned, hopping off the stool to look for a strainer.

she resisted the urge to gag upon hearing the bed creaking in jaeden's room, she couldn't even be bothered to go back to her room and get her airpods, she'd have to pass by jaeden's room to do so.

she turned off the stove before draining the water from the pot in the sink. placing the noodles in the bowl, she mumbled the recipe to herself before whipping her phone out, only to see that what she made looked nothing like the recipe.

the blonde sighed in defeat, not wanting to waste anymore of the things in jaeden's kitchen, she decided to settle for bland pasta. she went on netflix to watch the series 'for the press', hopefully to tune out all the sinful things happening in jaeden's room.

"stupid lauren, if you just told him you loved him that would be you in there"she mumbled, twisting the noodles on her fork before pressing play on the episode where she left off which was of susan and yy hiding in the bushes while the two managers were fighting over a bag of doritos

"with all that money you think he'd be able to have thicker walls and a bed that isn't creaky but noo he wants everyone in his stupid mansion to hear everything going on in his dumb room. stupid, idiotic, and oblivious men i should've never gone here in the first place"she rambled silently, forcing herself to eat what she made even though it tasted terrible

"if my dumbass didn't burn my house down i'd be laying in bed having a good night's sleep but nope. here i am sitting in my ex-boyfriend's kitchen eating terrible pasta and watching two middle aged women stalk celebrities, and two people my age fighting over a bag of doritos. did i forget to mention that i'm forced to listen to my ex who i am still madly in love sleep with another woman? god i love my life!"

"holy shit i'm so lonely i need to stop talking to myself"she breathed, finally deciding to stop torturing herself by throwing the rest of her 'food' away.

as she continued watching 'for the press', she suddenly felt a paw on her lap making her furrow her eyebrows. she lowered her gaze only to see loki, one of jaeden's dogs, looking up at her. a smile crept onto the blonde's lips as she gave the dog a gently pat on the head, saying

"hi loki, jaeden's terrible isn't he? oh yes he is, oh yes he is"

she giggled softly when loki's tail started wagging as she scratched the top of his head.

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