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author: just thought i'd clarify, noah (kenzie's manager) is NOT noah schnapp, or noah beck.


"all you guys need to do is walk around here. have a nice lunch at ken and rory's then leave. look happy! i'm talking to you by the way john"spencer said snapping his fingers at the blonde who sighed and nodded

"you guys are friends right? so this should be easy for you"noah then added

"we'll try our best"john mumbled before turning to kenzie and nodding his head at her.

they got out of the car and started walking down the street beside each other, while from a far they looked like they were just casually having a conversation like friends do. they were actually just having a really awkward conversation about wyatt's wedding.

they entered the café and ordered their usual orders before finding a spot close to the window. it was silent between the two who were simply on their phones until they both received texts from their managers to start talking.

"so uhh, what do you think wyatt and erin plan on doing?"john asks awkwardly while looking over at the counter to see if their orders were being made

"they seem like the type to have a garden or beach wedding. it'll probably be really small but expensive, like does that make sense"

"it kinda does i guess"

"what else is there to talk about?"she asked quietly making john shrug as he crossed his arms and legs and said

"so uhh, lauren and jaeden are doing the notebook! you think the director casted them on purpose or?"

"maybe. i mean they only had 3 minutes of screen time together in that one thing we did. but it must've been a ploy in a way"

"i'm sorry can i just — you're so expressive now? like i don't know something changed about how you talk and how you carry yourself"the dirty blonde haired boy admitted as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"stuff happened. noah had to orient me about the whole how to carry myself properly in public. he doesn't know about the live but he said something about me wanting to be taken more seriously"

"as long as you're comfortable"

they shared an awkward moment of silence when kenzie suddenly cleared her throat and asked

"okay seriously what can we talk about with things getting awkward. should we catch up or??"

"look, kenz. this is all part of the job so you don't really have to try or whatever we just have to pretend we're talking about something. i don't wanna get attached to you again so just tell me a random story and we'll be fine."john then said rather harshly, though he didn't intend for it to come off that way. it was a little defense mechanism because he didn't want to get attached to her again.

lauren was the orlando that had it bad 5 years ago. so john told himself that he had to put up a tough front because he didn't want his sister to worry about him.

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