twenty four

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"hey — you're not the pizza guy?" said louis, cocking an eyebrow up at lilia who exhaled sharply, shaking her head at him before clutching onto her hand bag, telling him

"i'm not, can i uh — can i come in? i need to talk to you"

"well you came all this way here. can't say no, you live on the other side of town" the brunet mumbled, pursing his lips before opening the door wider for her.

he lead lilia to the living room, gesturing for her to take a seat. lilia sat on the blue chair whilst louis sat on the chair right across from his.

"you fancy a cuppa?" he offered, gesturing towards the kitchen. lilia raised an arm up in dismissal, politely declining his offer, and so the two sat in awkward silence yet again.

he raised an eyebrow at the blonde, crossing his left leg over his right before holding his knee, tapping his right foot repeatedly as he waited for her to say something.


"look, i know what you saw at the party, and i'm not gonna lie to you and say it was for a dare or that it was an accident. it just happened" lilia began, taking a deep breath, then continuing with

"i'm not gonna pretend that i didn't have feelings for her when you guys started dating, because i kind of did. well at least i thought i did, but when i kissed her that night — it wasn't the same anymore. trust me, if you think that kiss did something for emily and i, it made us realize that we were over each other. and that we've been over each other, we just never had closure."

"i know part of you doesn't believe me. and i don't expect you to do a full one eighty in the few minutes that we're going to spend talking to each other. but louis, believe me when i say that whatever romantic feelings emily and i had for each other? it's all in the past. she has you, and she loves you"

"before you and jill arrived, and before emily and i — you know. emily was telling me about how much she loved you, i know you guys haven't said it to each other — i mean you did, but you were mad so that's not really something you'd want to look back at now right?"

"anyways back to what i was saying. emily was telling me about how much she loved you, and how she was scared that was going to lose you. and how she was scared that you were going to leave her one day. for someone prettier and shit whatever she means"

"leave her for someone prettier? i don't think that's possible. she's — she's everything. she turns my world" louis muttered under his breath, tracing patterns on his pants. lilia smiled wearily, nodding in agreement before saying

"she is amazing isn't she?"

"she's perfect. probably one of the most gorgeous girls to ever walk this planet. i could listen to her talk for hours, i — i miss her a lot actually" the brunet admitted, rubbing his gaze while keeping his attention on the ground

"i actually haven't spoken to her since our kiss. but i'm sure she misses you too" lilia assured him, reaching over to place a hand on his knee before sighing deeply, saying

"you should go talk to her. what you guys had — it was special. i mean, i know it's only been less than three months but the way you guys look at each other alone — i want emily to be happy. and i know she'd be happiest with you"

"but what if she doesn't wanna see me?"

"emily isn't the type to hold a grudge anyway. sure she'll pout and give you the silent treatment for an hour max. just bribe her with her favorite food and you're good honestly. make sure you're actually sorry though"

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