twenty two

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and while everything seemed to be falling into place for lauren, mother's awake, finally told the love of her life she loved him, and work was great there was one tiny problem.

she and john left for toronto without telling jaeden or olivia. well john told olivia the next day, but lauren completely forgot to tell jaeden. she hadn't spoken to him since she left, frankly she didn't even think about him until mer brought him up.

she tried calling him after but it kept going to voice mail. he was ignoring her texts too. she and john were now on their way over to brynn's house so they could have that dinner for wyatt's wedding, everyone was already there and they were running late. very late.

this should be fun.

"so you still haven't talked to jaeden?" john asked, tapping his fingers on the steering as they drove around brynn's neighborhood

"nope. he's been ignoring my calls and text, did olivia tell him?"

"uhh not sure. i just apologized to her for bailing and she said she understood. we're going out on sunday though. you on the other hand need to go home with jaeden so hopefully you guys settle that right away"

"what if we don't?"

"you can always sleep at my house. but your things are at jaeden's. so you still need to go there. just tell me the next time something happens, i don't wanna see that again" he stated, shivering in disgust making lauren roll her eyes

"not sure if you ever will" she sighed, gazing out the window before whipping out her phone, mumbling

"sateen hasn't called me in awhile"

"she's probably busy?"

"well yeah, but she's back in town and hasn't asked to hang out. you think i did something?"

"well did you?"

"no. i don't think so"

"she probably did something then. i don't know maybe text her first?" john suggested, arriving at some random house only to realize that it wasn't brynn's. so he quickly pulled out of that driveway to look for the right street

"yeah i'll try" she muttered under her breath, sending her best friend a quick text to ask to hang out before shoving her phone back in her purse, looking back at one of the houses john passed by before saying

"you missed it"

"what? how'd you know?"

"i saw jaeden's car"

"right of course, forgot you were kinda obsessed with him"

"john you dumbass we're already late. are you gonna continue teasing me on my little crush on jaeden or are you gonna go to the right house?"

"little crush? everything you two went through for you to say little crush? wow you're a terrible girlfriend" the blond snorted while turning the car around. lauren rolled her eyes at her older brother before saying

"well what do you want me to say?"

"your obsession"

"i am not obsessed with jaeden!"

"you bought his perfume so you would smell like him that one time he went away for two weeks for a project because you missed him!"

"i was seventeen!"

"still an obsession"

"oh shut up as if you weren't head over heels for a girl for five years even after she backstabbed me and cheated on you and accused dylan of cheating with you"

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