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"and how was your night?" sateen playfully asked her best friend as the pair made their way to one of the bathrooms by the pool in the resort. the brunette gestured to the purple mark on her best friend's neck causing the blonde to blush furiously, quickly placing her hand over the spot before saying

"it was — pretty interesting"

"mhm i bet. you and jaeden need to slow down or those dogs aren't going to be your only kids" the model giggled, lauren playfully rolled her eyes before shaking her head, pushing the door to the bathroom open

"i don't think he can slow down. i don't like that either"

"ew you need to filter yourself there are children reading this book"

the pair shared a hearty laugh as they went over to where the sinks were, all they were going to do in the bathroom was gossip anyway. sateen just wanted to check if her hair was fine. wyatt and erin's wedding was in a few hours so they had to start getting ready soon. they just felt like going for a swim before doing so.

"no there are only four people reading this book and they should be fine"

"that's true. so anyway did you see that actress girl flirting with jaeden?" the brunette asked, looking at herself in the mirror before combing her fingers through her hair

"yeah the one who was in that one movie that flopped right?"

"well yeah — i mean she was in another film with wyatt too but yes she was in that movie that flopped"

"yup i've seen her. thinking of pouring some red wine all over her later not gonna lie"

"calm down. jaeden won't be able to keep his hands off you anyway"

just as lauren was about to answer her, they suddenly heard the sound of someone vomiting in one of the stalls. and by the sound of it? it seemed really bad. lauren and sateen shared a disgusted but also concerned look before sateen cleared her throat and said "hey you okay?" only to be met with silence.

sighing heavily, lauren turned around to look for the girl, she crouched down slightly, checking for shoes. she saw a pair of flip flops in the stall in the middle and so she gestured towards the door. the blonde got on her feet jiggling the door knob to check if it was unlocked. thankfully it was and so she swung the door open, hers and sateen's gaze then landing on the familiar blonde who was hunched over the toilet.


"oh um hi"

"holy shit are you okay?"

"i uh yeah — i'm fine i just had something bad. those bagels were probably expired" brynn replied, chuckling softly before waving her hand in dismissal

"are you sure? do you need anything?" lauren asked worriedly also not believing in a single word she said. those bagels were fresh and she knew it. she would never feed ollie expired bagels.

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